Working with polygons
At the core of each pyTDGL
simulation is an instance of the tdgl.Device
class, which represents the superconducting structure to be modeled. A Device
is composed a Layer
that lies in a plane parallel to the \(x-y\) plane (at position layer.z0
) and has a specified thickness \(d\), coherence length \(\xi\) and London penetration depth \(\lambda\). The layer contains superconducting film
, which can contain zero or more holes
. Films
and holes
represented by instances of the tdgl.Polygon
class, which defines a 2D polygonal region.
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {"retina", "png"}
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tdgl
A Polygon
is defined by a collection of (x, y)
coordinates specifying its vertices; the vertices are stored as an n x 2
called polygon.points
# Define the initial geometry: a rectangular box specified as an np.ndarray
width, height = 10, 2
points =, height)
print(f"type(points) = {type(points)}, points.shape = {points.shape}")
type(points) = <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, points.shape = (100, 2)
# Create a Polygon representing a "horizontal bar", hbar
hbar = tdgl.Polygon(points=points)
The object passed to tdgl.Polygon(points=...)
can be of any of the following:
n x 2
array-like object, for example annp.ndarray
or a list of(x, y)
coordinatesAn existing
instance (in which case, the new object will be a copy of the existing one)An instance of LineString, LinearRing, or Polygon from the shapely package
== tdgl.Polygon(points=hbar.polygon)
== tdgl.Polygon(points=hbar)
== hbar.copy()
== hbar
Every instance of tdgl.Polygon
has a property, instance.polygon
, which returns a corresponding shapely
object. Among other things, this is usefuly for quickly visualizing polygons.
There are several methods for transforming the geometry of a single Polygon
polygon.translate(dx=0, dy=0)
polygon.rotate(degrees, origin=(0, 0))
polygon.scale(xfact=1, yfact=1, origin=(0, 0))
polygon.buffer(distance, ...)
There are also three methods for combining multiple Polygon
-like objects:
: logical union ofpolygon
with each object in the iterableothers
See also:
: logical intersection ofpolygon
with each object in the iterableothers
See also:
: logical difference ofpolygon
with each object in the iterableothers
See also:
Note that the elements of the iterable others
can be of any type that can be passed in to tdgl.Polygon(points=...)
(see above).
# Copy hbar and rotate the copy 90 degrees counterclockwise
vbar = hbar.rotate(90)
# Create a new Polygon that is the union of hbar and vbar: "+"
plus = hbar.union(vbar)
# # The above is equivalent to either of the following:
# plus = vbar.union(hbar)
# plus = tdgl.Polygon.from_union([hbar, vbar])
# Rotate the "+" by 45 degrees to make an "X"
X = plus.rotate(45)
# Create a new polygon with all edges offset (eroded) by a distance of -0.5
thinX = X.buffer(-0.5)
# Create a new polygon with all edges offset (expanded) by a distance of 0.5
thickX = X.buffer(0.5)
polygons = [hbar, vbar, plus, X, thinX, thickX]
labels = ["hbar", "vbar", "plus", "X", "thinX", "thickX"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 1.5))
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
polygon.translate(dx=width * i).plot(ax=ax, linewidth=3)
ax.set_xticks([width * i for i, _ in enumerate(labels)])
_ = ax.set_yticks([])

Using the methods demonstrated above, intricate geometries can be constructed from simple building blocks in just a few lines of code.
size = 10
hbar = tdgl.Polygon( / 3, size / 50))
plus = hbar.union(hbar.rotate(90))
star = plus.union(plus.rotate(45))
star_dx = 1.2 * size * np.sqrt(2) / 2
snowflake = (
tdgl.Polygon(, size))
*(star.translate(dx=star_dx).rotate(degrees) for degrees in [0, 90, 180, 270])
snowflake = snowflake.union(snowflake.rotate(45))
ax = snowflake.plot()

print(f"Polygon area: snowflake.area = {snowflake.area:.3f}")
print(f"Polygon width and height: snowflake.extents = {snowflake.extents}")
Polygon area: snowflake.area = 136.622
Polygon width and height: snowflake.extents = (20.303896081810475, 20.303896081810475)
Meshing Polygons
Individual polygons can be meshed using the Polygon.make_mesh()
setups = [
dict(min_points=None, smooth=0),
dict(min_points=350, smooth=0),
dict(min_points=350, smooth=100),
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(setups), figsize=(2 * (len(setups) + 0.5), 2))
for ax, options in zip(axes, setups):
# Generate a mesh with the specified options
mesh = X.make_mesh(**options)
# Plot the mesh
title = [f"{key}={value!r}" for key, value in options.items()]
title.append(f"Actual points = {mesh.x.shape[0]}")
ax.triplot(mesh.x, mesh.y, mesh.elements, lw=1)
Constructing Voronoi polygons: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 459/459 [00:00<00:00, 17015.81it/s]
Constructing Voronoi polygons: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 459/459 [00:00<00:00, 17668.90it/s]
Constructing Voronoi polygons: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 459/459 [00:00<00:00, 17594.46it/s]

Software | Version |
tdgl | 0.8.1; git revision 25e009d [2024-04-10] |
Numpy | 1.24.3 |
SciPy | 1.10.1 |
matplotlib | 3.7.1 |
cupy | None |
numba | 0.57.1 |
IPython | 8.14.0 |
Python | 3.10.11 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, May 10 2023, 19:01:19) [Clang 14.0.6 ] |
OS | posix [darwin] |
Number of CPUs | Physical: 10, Logical: 10 |
Wed Apr 10 14:14:21 2024 PDT |
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