Source code for tdgl.visualization.convert

from typing import Optional

import h5py
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..solution.solution import Solution
from .common import Quantity
from .io import get_plot_data

[docs]def convert_to_xdmf( path_to_solution: str, xdmf_path: Optional[str] = None, dimensionless: bool = False, ) -> None: """Convert a :class:`tdgl.Solution` from `HDF5 <>`_ to `XDMF <>`_. XDMF files can be viewed using tools like `ParaView <>`_. This function requires the ``meshio`` Python package. Args: path_to_solution: Path to the HDF5 file containing the tdgl.Solution xdmf_path: Path to the output XDMF file. Defaults to ``path_to_solution.replace('.h5', '-converted.xdmf')`` dimensionless: Save the mesh in dimensionless units (scaled to the coherence length). """ try: import meshio except ImportError as e: raise RuntimeError( "convert_to_xdmf() requires the meshio Python package." ) from e solution = Solution.from_hdf5(path_to_solution) device = solution.device mesh = device.mesh points = mesh.sites if not dimensionless: points = points * device.layer.coherence_length cells = [("triangle", mesh.elements)] if xdmf_path is None: xdmf_path = path_to_solution.replace(".h5", "-converted.xdmf") first, last = solution.data_range with h5py.File(path_to_solution, "r") as h5file: with meshio.xdmf.TimeSeriesWriter(xdmf_path) as writer: writer.write_points_cells(points, cells) for step in tqdm(range(first, last + 1), desc="Solve steps"): solution.solve_step = step t = solution.tdgl_data.state["time"] point_data = {} for name, quantity in Quantity.__members__.items(): data, _, _ = get_plot_data(h5file, mesh, quantity, step) point_data[name.lower()] = data writer.write_data(t, point_data=point_data)