Source code for tdgl.device.device

import logging
import numbers
import os
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pint
from IPython.display import HTML
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
from shapely import affinity
from shapely.geometry import Point

from ..em import ureg
from ..finite_volume.mesh import Mesh
from ..finite_volume.util import get_oriented_boundary
from .layer import Layer
from .meshing import generate_mesh
from .polygon import Polygon

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TerminalInfo(NamedTuple):
    """A containter for information about a single current terminal.

        name: The terminal's name.
        site_indices: An array of indices for mesh sites making up the terminal.
        edge_indices: An array of indices for mesh edges making up the terminal.
        boundary_edge_indices: An array of indices of mesh boundary edges making
            up the terminal.
        length: The length of the terminal in physical units.

    name: str
    site_indices: Sequence[int]
    edge_indices: Sequence[int]
    boundary_edge_indices: Sequence[int]
    length: float

[docs]class Device: """An object representing a thin film superconducting device. Args: name: Name of the device. layer: The superconducting ``Layer``. film: The ``Polygon`` representing the superconducting film. holes: ``Polygons`` representing holes in the superconducting film. terminals: A sequence of ``Polygons`` representing the current terminals. Any points that are on the boundary of the mesh and lie inside a terminal will have current source/sink boundary conditions. probe_points: A shape ``(n, 2)`` sequence of floats, with each row representing the ``(x, y)`` position of a voltage probe. length_units: Distance units for the coordinate system. """ ureg = ureg def __init__( self, name: str, *, layer: Layer, film: Polygon, holes: Union[List[Polygon], None] = None, terminals: Union[List[Polygon], None] = None, probe_points: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]] = None, length_units: str = "um", ): = name self.layer = layer = film self.holes = holes or [] self.terminals = tuple(terminals or []) terminal_names = set() for terminal in self.terminals: terminal.mesh = False if is None or in terminal_names: raise ValueError("All terminals must have a unique name") terminal_names.add( for polygon in [] + self.holes: if not polygon.is_valid: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Polygon: {polygon!r}.") if len(self.holes) != len(set( for hole in self.holes)): raise ValueError("All holes must have a unique name.") if probe_points is not None: probe_points = np.asarray(probe_points).squeeze() if probe_points.ndim != 2 or probe_points.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( f"Probe points must have shape (n, 2), " f"got {probe_points.shape}." ) if not self.contains_points(probe_points).all(): raise ValueError("All probe points must lie within the film.") self.probe_points = probe_points # Make units a "read-only" attribute. # It should never be changed after instantiation. self._length_units = length_units self.mesh: Optional[Mesh] = None self._triangulation: Optional[Triangulation] = None @property def length_units(self) -> str: """Length units used for the device geometry.""" return self._length_units @property def coherence_length(self) -> pint.Quantity: """Ginzburg-Landau coherence length, :math:`\\xi`""" return self.layer.coherence_length * ureg(self.length_units) @property def london_lambda(self) -> pint.Quantity: """London penetration depth, :math:`\\lambda`""" return self.layer.london_lambda * ureg(self.length_units) @property def thickness(self) -> pint.Quantity: """Film thickness, :math:`d`""" return self.layer.thickness * ureg(self.length_units) @property def Lambda(self) -> pint.Quantity: """Effective magnetic penetration depth, :math:`\\Lambda=\\lambda^2/d`.""" return self.london_lambda**2 / self.thickness @property def conductivity(self) -> Union[pint.Quantity, None]: """Film normal state conductivity, :math:`\\sigma`""" if self.layer.conductivity is None: return None return self.layer.conductivity * ureg(f"siemens / {self.length_units}") @property def kappa(self) -> float: """The Ginzburg-Landau parameter, :math:`\\kappa=\\lambda/\\xi`.""" return (self.london_lambda / self.coherence_length).to_base_units().magnitude @property def Bc2(self) -> pint.Quantity: """Upper critical field, :math:`B_{c2}=\\Phi_0/(2\\pi\\xi^2)`.""" return (ureg("Phi_0") / (2 * np.pi * self.coherence_length**2)).to_base_units() @property def A0(self) -> pint.Quantity: """Scale for the magnetic vector potential, :math:`A_0=\\xi B_{c2}`.""" return (self.Bc2 * self.coherence_length).to_base_units() @property def K0(self) -> pint.Quantity: """Sheet current density scale (dimensions of current / length), :math:`K_0=4\\xi B_{c2}/(\\mu_0\\Lambda)`. """ K0 = 4 * self.coherence_length * self.Bc2 / (ureg("mu_0") * self.Lambda) return K0.to_base_units()
[docs] def tau0(self, conductivity: Union[pint.Quantity, None] = None) -> pint.Quantity: """Time scale, :math:`\\tau_0=\\mu_0\\sigma\\lambda^2`. Args: conductivity: The normal state conductivity of the film, which defaults to ``device.layer.conductivity``. Returns: The time scale, :math:`\\tau_0=\\mu_0\\sigma\\lambda^2 """ if conductivity is None: conductivity = self.conductivity if conductivity is None: raise ValueError( "The time scale tau0 requires the normal state" " conductivity to be defined." ) return (ureg("mu_0") * conductivity * self.london_lambda**2).to("seconds")
[docs] def V0(self, conductivity: Union[pint.Quantity, None] = None) -> pint.Quantity: """Electric potential scale, :math:`\\V_0=\\xi J_0/\\sigma`. Args: conductivity: The normal state conductivity of the film, which defaults to ``device.layer.conductivity``. Returns: The electric potential scale, :math:`\\V_0=\\xi J_0/\\sigma` """ if conductivity is None: conductivity = self.conductivity if conductivity is None: raise ValueError( "The electric potential scale V_0 requires the normal state" " conductivity to be defined." ) J0 = self.K0 / self.thickness return (self.coherence_length * J0 / conductivity).to("volts")
@property def triangulation(self) -> Optional[Triangulation]: """Matplotlib triangulation of the mesh.""" if self.mesh is None: return None if self._triangulation is None: xi = self.layer.coherence_length sites = xi * self.mesh.sites triangles = self.mesh.elements self._triangulation = Triangulation(sites[:, 0], sites[:, 1], triangles) return self._triangulation
[docs] def terminal_info(self) -> Tuple[TerminalInfo, ...]: """Returns a tuple of ``TerminalInfo`` objects, one for each current terminal in the device. """ xi = self.layer.coherence_length mesh = self.mesh sites = self.points edge_positions = xi * mesh.edge_mesh.centers ix_boundary = mesh.edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices edge_lengths = self.edge_lengths[ix_boundary] boundary_edge_positions = edge_positions[ix_boundary] info = [] for terminal in self.terminals: # Index into self.points sites_index = np.intersect1d( terminal.contains_points(sites, index=True), mesh.boundary_indices ) # Index into self.edges edges_index = np.intersect1d( terminal.contains_points(edge_positions, index=True), ix_boundary ) # Index into self.edges[mesh.edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices] boundary_edges_index = terminal.contains_points( boundary_edge_positions, index=True ) length = edge_lengths[boundary_edges_index].sum() info.append( TerminalInfo(, sites_index, edges_index, boundary_edges_index, length, ) ) return tuple(sorted(info, key=attrgetter("length")))
@property def polygons(self) -> Tuple[Polygon, ...]: """Tuple of all ``Polygons`` in the ``Device``.""" return (,) + tuple(self.holes) + self.terminals @property def points(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """The mesh vertex coordinates in ``length_units`` (shape ``(n, 2)``, type ``float``). """ if self.mesh is None: return None return self.mesh.sites * self.coherence_length.magnitude @property def triangles(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """Mesh triangle indices (shape ``(m, 3)``, type ``int``).""" if self.mesh is None: return None return self.mesh.elements @property def edges(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """Mesh edge indices (shape ``(p, 2)``, type ``int``).""" if self.mesh is None: return None return self.mesh.edge_mesh.edges @property def edge_lengths(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """An array of the mesh vertex-to-vertex distances.""" if self.mesh is None: return None return self.mesh.edge_mesh.edge_lengths * self.coherence_length.magnitude @property def areas(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """An array of the mesh Voronoi cell areas.""" if self.mesh is None: return None return self.mesh.areas * self.coherence_length.magnitude**2 @property def probe_point_indices(self) -> Union[List[int], None]: """A list of the mesh site indices for the probe points.""" if self.mesh is None or self.probe_points is None: return None xi = self.coherence_length.magnitude return [self.mesh.closest_site(xy) for xy in self.probe_points / xi]
[docs] def boundary_sites(self) -> Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], None]: """Returns a dict of ``{polygon_name: boundary_indices}``, where ``boundary_indices`` is an integer array of site indices for mesh sites on the boundary of each polygon. The length of the returned dictionary will be the number of holes in the device plus one. Returns: ``{polygon_name: boundary_indices}`` """ if self.mesh is None: return None polygons = [] + list(self.holes) points = self.points edge_mesh = self.mesh.edge_mesh boundary_edges = edge_mesh.edges[edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices] boundary = {} for polygon in polygons: on_boundary = np.logical_and( polygon.on_boundary(points[boundary_edges[:, 0]], radius=1e-6), polygon.on_boundary(points[boundary_edges[:, 1]], radius=1e-6), ) boundary_sites = get_oriented_boundary(points, boundary_edges[on_boundary]) assert len(boundary_sites) == 1, len(boundary_sites) boundary[] = boundary_sites[0] return boundary
[docs] def contains_points( self, points: np.ndarray, index: bool = False, radius: float = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Determines whether ``points`` lie within the Device. Args: points: Shape ``(n, 2)`` array of x, y coordinates. index: If True, then return the indices of the points in ``points`` that lie within the polygon. Otherwise, returns a shape ``(n, )`` boolean array. radius: An additional margin on ``self.path``. See :meth:`matplotlib.path.Path.contains_points`. Returns: If index is True, returns the indices of the points in ``points`` that lie within the polygon. Otherwise, returns a shape ``(n, )`` boolean array indicating whether each point lies within the polygon. """ mask =, radius=radius) & ~np.logical_or.reduce( [hole.contains_points(points, radius=-radius) for hole in self.holes] ) if index: return np.where(mask)[0] return mask
[docs] def copy(self, with_mesh: bool = True) -> "Device": """Copy this Device to create a new one. Args: with_mesh: Whether to copy the mesh. Returns: A new Device instance, copied from self. """ holes = [hole.copy() for hole in self.holes] terminals = [term.copy() for term in self.terminals] if self.probe_points is None: probe_points = None else: probe_points = self.probe_points.copy() device = Device(, layer=self.layer.copy(),, holes=holes, terminals=terminals, probe_points=probe_points, length_units=self.length_units, ) if with_mesh and self.mesh is not None: device.mesh = self.mesh return device
def _warn_if_mesh_exist(self, method: str) -> None: if self.mesh is not None: message = ( f"Calling device.{method} on a device whose mesh already exists " f"returns a new device with no mesh. Call new_device.make_mesh() " f"to generate the mesh for the new device." ) logger.warning(message)
[docs] def scale( self, xfact: float = 1, yfact: float = 1, origin: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0) ) -> "Device": """Returns a new device with polygons scaled horizontally and/or vertically. Negative ``xfact`` (``yfact``) can be used to reflect the device horizontally (vertically) about the ``origin``. Args: xfact: Factor by which to scale the device horizontally. yfact: Factor by which to scale the device vertically. origin: (x, y) coorindates of the origin. Returns: The scaled ``Device``. """ if not ( isinstance(origin, tuple) and len(origin) == 2 and all(isinstance(val, numbers.Real) for val in origin) ): raise TypeError("Origin must be a tuple of floats (x, y).") self._warn_if_mesh_exist("scale()") device = self.copy(with_mesh=False) for polygon in device.polygons: polygon.scale(xfact=xfact, yfact=yfact, origin=origin, inplace=True) if device.probe_points is not None: points = [ affinity.scale(Point(xy), xfact=xfact, yfact=yfact, origin=origin) for xy in device.probe_points ] device.probe_points = np.concatenate( [point.coords for point in points], axis=0 ) return device
[docs] def rotate(self, degrees: float, origin: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0)) -> "Device": """Returns a new device with polygons rotated a given amount counterclockwise about specified origin. Args: degrees: The amount by which to rotate the polygons. origin: (x, y) coorindates of the origin. Returns: The rotated ``Device``. """ if not ( isinstance(origin, tuple) and len(origin) == 2 and all(isinstance(val, numbers.Real) for val in origin) ): raise TypeError("Origin must be a tuple of floats (x, y).") self._warn_if_mesh_exist("rotate()") device = self.copy(with_mesh=False) for polygon in device.polygons: polygon.rotate(degrees, origin=origin, inplace=True) if self.probe_points is not None: points = [ affinity.rotate(Point(xy), degrees, origin=origin) for xy in self.probe_points ] device.probe_points = np.concatenate( [point.coords for point in points], axis=0 ) return device
[docs] def translate( self, dx: float = 0, dy: float = 0, dz: float = 0, inplace: bool = False, ) -> "Device": """Translates the device polygons, layer, and mesh in space by a given amount. Args: dx: Distance by which to translate along the x-axis. dy: Distance by which to translate along the y-axis. dz: Distance by which to translate layer along the z-axis. inplace: If True, modifies the device (``self``) in-place and returns None, otherwise, creates a new device, translates it, and returns it. Returns: The translated device. """ if inplace: device = self else: self._warn_if_mesh_exist("translate(..., inplace=False)") device = self.copy(with_mesh=False) for polygon in device.polygons: polygon.translate(dx, dy, inplace=True) if self.probe_points is not None: device.probe_points = self.probe_points + np.array([[dx, dy]]) if device.mesh is not None: points = device.points points += np.array([[dx, dy]]) device._create_dimensionless_mesh(points, device.triangles) if dz: device.layer.z0 += dz return device
[docs] @contextmanager def translation(self, dx: float, dy: float, dz: float = 0) -> None: """A context manager that temporarily translates a device in-place, then returns it to its original position. Args: dx: Distance by which to translate polygons along the x-axis. dy: Distance by which to translate polygons along the y-axis. dz: Distance by which to translate layers along the z-axis. """ try: self.translate(dx, dy, dz=dz, inplace=True) yield finally: self.translate(-dx, -dy, dz=-dz, inplace=True)
[docs] def make_mesh( self, max_edge_length: Union[float, None] = None, min_points: Union[float, None] = None, smooth: int = 0, **meshpy_kwargs, ) -> None: """Generates and optimizes the triangular mesh. Args: min_points: Minimum number of vertices in the mesh. If None, then the number of vertices will be determined by meshpy_kwargs, the number of vertices in the underlying polygons, and ``max_edge_length``. max_edge_length: The maximum distance between vertices in the mesh. Passing a value <= 0 means that the number of mesh points will be determined solely by the density of points in the Device's film and holes. Defaults to 1.0 * self.coherence_length. smooth: Number of Laplacian smoothing iterations to perform. **meshpy_kwargs: Passed to """"Generating mesh...") t0 = time.perf_counter() if max_edge_length is None: max_edge_length = 1.0 * self.coherence_length.magnitude points, triangles = generate_mesh(, hole_coords=[hole.points for hole in self.holes], min_points=min_points, max_edge_length=max_edge_length,, **meshpy_kwargs, ) if smooth:"Smoothing mesh.") mesh = Mesh.from_triangulation( points, triangles, create_submesh=False ).smooth(smooth, create_submesh=False) points = mesh.sites triangles = mesh.elements"Creating Mesh object from triangulation.") self._create_dimensionless_mesh(points, triangles) t1 = time.perf_counter() f"Finished generating mesh with {len(points)} points and " f"{len(triangles)} triangles." )"Total mesh generation time: {(t1 - t0):.3f} seconds")
def _create_dimensionless_mesh( self, points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray ) -> Mesh: """Creates the dimensionless mesh. Args: points: Mesh vertices in ``length_units``. triangles: Mesh triangle indices. Returns: The dimensionless ``Mesh`` object. """ self.mesh = Mesh.from_triangulation( points / self.coherence_length.magnitude, triangles, create_submesh=True, )
[docs] def mesh_stats_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[numbers.Real, str]]: """Returns a dictionary of information about the mesh.""" edge_lengths = self.edge_lengths areas = self.areas def _min(arr): if arr is not None: return arr.min() def _max(arr): if arr is not None: return arr.max() def _mean(arr): if arr is not None: return arr.mean() return dict( num_sites=len(self.mesh.sites) if self.mesh else None, num_elements=len(self.mesh.elements) if self.mesh else None, min_edge_length=_min(edge_lengths), max_edge_length=_max(edge_lengths), mean_edge_length=_mean(edge_lengths), min_area=_min(areas), max_area=_max(areas), mean_area=_mean(areas), coherence_length=self.coherence_length.magnitude, length_units=self.length_units, )
[docs] def mesh_stats(self, precision: int = 3) -> HTML: """When called with in Jupyter notebook, displays a table of information about the mesh. Args: precision: Number of digits after the decimal for float values. Returns: An HTML table of mesh statistics. """ stats = self.mesh_stats_dict() html = ["<table>", "<tr><b>Mesh Statistics</b></tr>"] for key, value in stats.items(): if isinstance(value, float): value = f"{value:.{precision}e}" html.append(f"<tr><td><b>{key}</b></td><td>{value}</td></tr>") html.append("</table>") return HTML("".join(html))
[docs] def plot( self, ax: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None, legend: bool = True, figsize: Union[Tuple[float, float], None] = None, mesh: bool = False, mesh_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict(color="k", lw=0.5), **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plot all of the device's polygons. Args: ax: matplotlib axis on which to plot. If None, a new figure is created. subplots: If True, plots each layer on a different subplot. legend: Whether to add a legend. figsize: matplotlib figsize, only used if ax is None. mesh: If True, plot the mesh. mesh_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``ax.triplot()`` if ``mesh`` is True. kwargs: Passed to ``ax.plot()`` for the polygon boundaries. Returns: Matplotlib Figure and Axes """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, constrained_layout=True) else: fig = ax.get_figure() points = self.points if mesh: if self.mesh is None: raise RuntimeError( "Mesh does not exist. Run device.make_mesh() to generate the mesh." ) x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] tri = self.triangles ax.triplot(x, y, tri, **mesh_kwargs) for polygon in self.polygons: ax = polygon.plot(ax=ax, **kwargs) if self.probe_points is not None: ax.plot(*self.probe_points.T, "ko", label="Probe points") if legend: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") units = ureg(self.length_units).units ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ $[{units:~L}]$") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ $[{units:~L}]$") ax.set_aspect("equal") return fig, ax
[docs] def patches(self) -> Dict[str, PathPatch]: """Returns a dict of ``{polygon_name: PathPatch}`` for visualizing the device. """ hole_names = { for hole in self.holes} patches = dict() for polygon in self.polygons: if in hole_names: continue coords = polygon.points.tolist() codes = [Path.LINETO for _ in coords] codes[0] = Path.MOVETO codes[-1] = Path.CLOSEPOLY poly = polygon.polygon for hole in self.holes: if poly.contains(hole.polygon): hole_coords = hole.points.tolist()[::-1] hole_codes = [Path.LINETO for _ in hole_coords] hole_codes[0] = Path.MOVETO hole_codes[-1] = Path.CLOSEPOLY coords.extend(hole_coords) codes.extend(hole_codes) patches[] = PathPatch(Path(coords, codes)) return patches
[docs] def draw( self, ax: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None, legend: bool = True, figsize: Union[Tuple[float, float], None] = None, alpha: float = 0.5, exclude: Union[Union[str, List[str]], None] = None, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Union[plt.Axes, np.ndarray]]: """Draws all polygons in the device as matplotlib patches. Args: ax: matplotlib axis on which to plot. If None, a new figure is created. legend: Whether to add a legend. figsize: matplotlib figsize, only used if ax is None. alpha: The alpha (opacity) value for the patches (0 <= alpha <= 1). exclude: A polygon name or list of polygon names to exclude from the figure. Returns: Matplotlib Figre and Axes. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, constrained_layout=True) else: fig = ax.get_figure() exclude = exclude or [] if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = [exclude] patches = self.patches() units = ureg(self.length_units).units x, y = margin = 0.1 dx = np.ptp(x) dy = np.ptp(y) x0 = x.min() + dx / 2 y0 = y.min() + dy / 2 dx *= 1 + margin dy *= 1 + margin labels = [] handles = [] ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlim(x0 - dx / 2, x0 + dx / 2) ax.set_ylim(y0 - dy / 2, y0 + dy / 2) ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ $[{units:~L}]$") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ $[{units:~L}]$") for i, (name, patch) in enumerate(patches.items()): if name in exclude: continue patch.set_alpha(alpha) patch.set_color(f"C{i % 10}") ax.add_artist(patch) labels.append(name) handles.append(patch) if self.probe_points is not None: (line,) = ax.plot(*self.probe_points.T, "ko", label="Probe points") handles.append(line) labels.append("Probe points") if legend: ax.legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") return fig, ax
[docs] def to_hdf5( self, path_or_group: Union[str, h5py.File, h5py.Group], save_mesh: bool = True, ) -> None: """Serializes the Device to disk. Args: path_or_group: A path to an HDF5 file, or an open HDF5 file or group into which to save the ``Device``. save_mesh: Whether to serialize the full mesh. """ if isinstance(path_or_group, str): path = path_or_group if not path.endswith(".h5"): path = path + ".h5" if os.path.exists(path): raise IOError(f"Path already exists: {path}.") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), exist_ok=True) save_context = h5py.File(path, "x") else: h5_group = path_or_group save_context = nullcontext(h5_group) with save_context as f: f.attrs["name"] = f.attrs["length_units"] = self.length_units self.layer.to_hdf5(f.create_group("layer"))"film")) for terminal in self.terminals: terminals_grp = f.require_group("terminals") terminal.to_hdf5(terminals_grp.create_group( if self.probe_points is not None: f["probe_points"] = self.probe_points for hole in sorted(self.holes, key=attrgetter("name")): group = f.require_group("holes") hole.to_hdf5(group.create_group( if save_mesh and self.mesh is not None: self.mesh.to_hdf5(f.create_group("mesh"))
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, path_or_group: Union[str, h5py.File, h5py.Group]) -> "Device": """Creates a new Device from one serialized to disk. Args: path_or_group: A path to an HDF5 file, or an open HDF5 file or group containing the serialized Device. Returns: The loaded Device instance. """ if isinstance(path_or_group, str): h5_context = h5py.File(path_or_group, "r") else: if not isinstance(path_or_group, (h5py.File, h5py.Group)): raise TypeError( f"Expected an h5py.File or h5py.Group, but got " f"{type(path_or_group)}." ) h5_context = nullcontext(path_or_group) terminals = probe_points = None holes = mesh = None with h5_context as f: name = f.attrs["name"] length_units = f.attrs["length_units"] layer = Layer.from_hdf5(f["layer"]) film = Polygon.from_hdf5(f["film"]) if "terminals" in f: terminals = [] for grp in f["terminals"].values(): terminals.append(Polygon.from_hdf5(grp)) if "holes" in f: holes = [ Polygon.from_hdf5(grp) for _, grp in sorted(f["holes"].items(), key=itemgetter(0)) ] if "probe_points" in f: probe_points = np.array(f["probe_points"]) if "mesh" in f: mesh = Mesh.from_hdf5(f["mesh"]) device = Device( name, layer=layer, film=film, holes=holes, terminals=terminals, probe_points=probe_points, length_units=length_units, ) if mesh is not None: device.mesh = mesh return device
def __repr__(self) -> str: # Normal tab "\t" renders a bit too big in jupyter if you ask me. indent = 4 t = " " * indent nt = "\n" + t args = [ f"{!r}", f"layer={self.layer!r}", f"film={!r}", f"holes={tuple(self.holes)!r}", f"terminals={tuple(self.terminals)!r}", f"probe_points={self.probe_points!r}", f"length_units={self.length_units!r}", ] return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" + nt + (", " + nt).join(args) + ",\n)" def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if other is self: return True if not isinstance(other, Device): return False def compare(seq1, seq2, key="name"): key = attrgetter(key) return sorted(seq1, key=key) == sorted(seq2, key=key) if self.probe_points is None and other.probe_points is None: same_probe_points = True elif ( isinstance(self.probe_points, np.ndarray) and isinstance(other.probe_points, np.ndarray) and np.allclose(self.probe_points, other.probe_points) ): same_probe_points = True else: same_probe_points = False return ( == and self.layer == other.layer and == and compare(self.holes, other.holes) and compare(self.terminals, other.terminals) and same_probe_points and self.length_units == other.length_units )