Source code for tdgl.device.layer

from typing import Union

import h5py

[docs]class Layer: """A superconducting thin film. Args: london_lambda: The London penetration depth of the film. coherence_length: The superconducting coherence length of the film. thickness: The thickness of the film. conductivity: The normal state conductivity of the superconductor in Siemens / length_unit. u: The ratio of the relaxation times for the order parameter amplitude and phase. This value is 5.79 for dirty superconductors. gamma: This parameter quantifies the effect of inelastic phonon-electron scattering. :math:`\\gamma` is proportional to the inelastic scattering time and the size of the superconducting gap. z0: Vertical location of the film. """ def __init__( self, *, london_lambda: float, coherence_length: float, thickness: float, conductivity: Union[float, None] = None, u: float = 5.79, gamma: float = 10.0, z0: float = 0, ): self.london_lambda = london_lambda self.coherence_length = coherence_length self.thickness = thickness self.conductivity = conductivity self.u = u self.gamma = gamma self.z0 = z0 @property def Lambda(self) -> float: """Effective magnetic penetration depth, :math:`\\Lambda=\\lambda^2/d`.""" return self.london_lambda**2 / self.thickness
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Layer": """Create a deep copy of the :class:`tdgl.Layer`.""" return Layer( london_lambda=self.london_lambda, coherence_length=self.coherence_length, thickness=self.thickness, conductivity=self.conductivity, u=self.u, gamma=self.gamma, z0=self.z0, )
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5_group: h5py.Group) -> None: """Save the :class:`tdgl.Layer` to an :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5_group: An open :class:`h5py.Group` to which to save the layer. """ h5_group.attrs["london_lambda"] = self.london_lambda h5_group.attrs["coherence_length"] = self.coherence_length h5_group.attrs["thickness"] = self.thickness h5_group.attrs["u"] = self.u h5_group.attrs["gamma"] = self.gamma h5_group.attrs["z0"] = self.z0 if self.conductivity is not None: h5_group.attrs["conductivity"] = self.conductivity
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5(h5_group: h5py.Group) -> "Layer": """Load a :class:`tdgl.Layer` from an :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5_group: An open :class:`h5py.Group` from which to load the layer. Returns: A new :class:`tdgl.Layer` instance. """ def get(key, default=None): if key in h5_group.attrs: return h5_group.attrs[key] return default return Layer( london_lambda=get("london_lambda"), coherence_length=get("coherence_length"), thickness=get("thickness"), conductivity=get("conductivity"), u=get("u"), gamma=get("gamma"), z0=get("z0"), )
def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, Layer): return False return ( self.london_lambda == other.london_lambda and self.coherence_length == other.coherence_length and self.thickness == other.thickness and self.conductivity == other.conductivity and self.u == other.u and self.gamma == other.gamma and self.z0 == other.z0 ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"london_lambda={self.london_lambda}, " f"coherence_length={self.coherence_length}, " f"thickness={self.thickness}, " f"conductivity={self.conductivity}, " f"u={self.u}, " f"gamma={self.gamma}, " f"z0={self.z0}" f")" )