Source code for tdgl.device.meshing

import logging
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from meshpy import triangle
from scipy import spatial
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

from ..finite_volume.util import get_max_edge_length
from ..geometry import ensure_unique

logger = logging.getLogger("tdgl.device")

[docs]def generate_mesh( poly_coords: np.ndarray, hole_coords: Union[List[np.ndarray], None] = None, min_points: Union[int, None] = None, max_edge_length: Union[float, None] = None, convex_hull: bool = False, boundary: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, min_angle: float = 32.5, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Generates a Delaunay mesh for a given set of polygon vertex coordinates. Additional keyword arguments are passed to ````. Args: poly_coords: Shape ``(n, 2)`` array of polygon ``(x, y)`` coordinates. hole_coords: A list of arrays of hole boundary coordinates. min_points: The minimimum number of vertices in the resulting mesh. max_edge_length: The maximum distance between vertices in the resulting mesh. convex_hull: If True, then the entire convex hull of the polygon (minus holes) will be meshed. Otherwise, only the polygon interior is meshed. boundary: Shape ``(m, 2)`` (where ``m <= n``) array of ``(x, y)`` coordinates for points on the boundary of the polygon. min_angle: The minimum angle in the mesh's triangles. Setting a larger value will make the triangles closer to equilateral, but the mesh generation may fail if the value is too large. Returns: Mesh vertex coordinates and triangle indices. """ poly_coords = ensure_unique(poly_coords) if hole_coords is None: hole_coords = [] hole_coords = [ensure_unique(coords) for coords in hole_coords] # Facets is a shape (m, 2) array of edge indices. # coords[facets] is a shape (m, 2, 2) array of edge coordinates: # [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] coords = np.concatenate([poly_coords] + hole_coords, axis=0) xmin = coords[:, 0].min() dx = np.ptp(coords[:, 0]) ymin = coords[:, 1].min() dy = np.ptp(coords[:, 1]) r0 = np.array([[xmin, ymin]]) + np.array([[dx, dy]]) / 2 # Center the coordinates at (0, 0) to avoid floating point issues. coords = coords - r0 indices = np.arange(len(poly_coords), dtype=int) if convex_hull: if boundary is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot have both boundary is not None and convex_hull = True." ) facets = spatial.ConvexHull(coords).simplices else: if boundary is not None: boundary = list(map(tuple, ensure_unique(boundary - r0))) indices = [i for i in indices if tuple(coords[i]) in boundary] facets = np.array([indices, np.roll(indices, -1)]).T # Create facets for the holes. for hole in hole_coords: hole_indices = np.arange( indices[-1] + 1, indices[-1] + 1 + len(hole), dtype=int ) hole_facets = np.array([hole_indices, np.roll(hole_indices, -1)]).T indices = np.concatenate([indices, hole_indices], axis=0) facets = np.concatenate([facets, hole_facets], axis=0) mesh_info = triangle.MeshInfo() mesh_info.set_points(coords) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) if hole_coords: # Triangle allows you to set holes by specifying a single point # that lies in each hole. Here we use the centroid of the hole. holes = [ np.array(Polygon(hole).centroid.coords[0]) - r0.squeeze() for hole in hole_coords ] mesh_info.set_holes(holes) kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs["min_angle"] = min_angle mesh =, **kwargs) points = np.array(mesh.points) + r0 triangles = np.array(mesh.elements) if min_points is None and (max_edge_length is None or max_edge_length <= 0): return points, triangles kwargs["max_volume"] = dx * dy / 100 i = 1 if min_points is None: min_points = 0 if max_edge_length is None or max_edge_length <= 0: max_edge_length = np.inf max_length = get_max_edge_length(points, triangles) while (len(points) < min_points) or (max_length > max_edge_length): mesh =, **kwargs) points = np.array(mesh.points) + r0 triangles = np.array(mesh.elements) max_length = get_max_edge_length(points, triangles) f"Iteration {i}: {len(points)} points, {len(triangles)} triangles," f" max_edge_length: {max_length:.2e} (target: {max_edge_length:.2e})." ) if np.isfinite(max_edge_length): kwargs["max_volume"] *= min(0.98, np.sqrt(max_edge_length / max_length)) else: kwargs["max_volume"] *= 0.98 i += 1 return points, triangles