Source code for tdgl.finite_volume.mesh

from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

    import cupy  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    cupy = None

from ..geometry import close_curve
from .edge_mesh import EdgeMesh
from .util import (

[docs]class Mesh: """A triangular mesh of a simply- or multiply-connected polygon. .. tip:: Use :meth:`Mesh.from_triangulation` to create a new mesh from a triangulation. Args: sites: The (x, y) coordinates of the mesh vertices. elements: A list of triplets that correspond to the indices of he vertices that form a triangle. [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]] corresponds to a triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 2 and another triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 3. boundary_indices: Indices corresponding to the boundary. areas: The areas corresponding to the sites. dual_sites: The (x, y) coordinates of the dual (Voronoi) mesh vertices edge_mesh: The edge mesh. voronoi_polygons: A list of Voronoi polygon vertices. There is one set of Voronoi polygon vertices for each mesh site. """ def __init__( self, sites: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], elements: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]], boundary_indices: Sequence[int], areas: Union[Sequence[float], None] = None, dual_sites: Union[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], None] = None, edge_mesh: Union[EdgeMesh, None] = None, voronoi_polygons: Union[List[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]], None] = None, ): self.sites = np.asarray(sites).squeeze() # Setting dtype to int64 is important when running on Windows. # Using default dtype uint64 does not work as Scipy indices in some # instances. self.elements = np.asarray(elements, dtype=np.int64) self.boundary_indices = np.asarray(boundary_indices, dtype=np.int64) if areas is not None: areas = np.asarray(areas) if dual_sites is not None: dual_sites = np.asarray(dual_sites) self.areas = areas self.dual_sites = dual_sites self.edge_mesh = edge_mesh self.voronoi_polygons = voronoi_polygons self._center_of_mass: Union[Tuple[float, float], None] = None @property def x(self) -> np.ndarray: """The x-coordinates of the mesh sites.""" return self.sites[:, 0] @property def y(self) -> np.ndarray: """The y-coordinates of the mesh sites.""" return self.sites[:, 1] @property def center_of_mass(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """The ``(x, y)`` coordinates of the center of mass of the mesh.""" if self._center_of_mass is None: sites = self.sites triangles = self.elements tri_areas = triangle_areas(sites, triangles) tri_centroids = sites[triangles].mean(axis=1) com = np.average(tri_centroids, axis=0, weights=tri_areas) self._center_of_mass = tuple(com) return self._center_of_mass
[docs] def closest_site(self, xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> int: """Returns the index of the mesh site closest to ``(x, y)``. Args: xy: A shape ``(2, )`` or ``(2, 1)`` sequence of floats, ``(x, y)``. Returns: The index of the mesh site closest to ``(x, y)``. """ return np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(self.sites - np.atleast_2d(xy), axis=1))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_triangulation( sites: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], elements: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]], create_submesh: bool = True, ) -> "Mesh": """Create a triangular mesh from the coordinates of the triangle vertices and a list of indices corresponding to the vertices that connect to triangles. Args: sites: The (x, y) coordinates of the mesh sites. elements: A list of triplets that correspond to the indices of the vertices that form a triangle. E.g. [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]] corresponds to a triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 2 and another triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 3. create_submesh: Whether to generate the corresponding :class:`tdgl.finit_volume.EdgeMesh` and Voronoi dual mesh. Returns: A new :class:`tdgl.finite_volume.Mesh` instance """ sites = np.asarray(sites).squeeze() elements = np.asarray(elements).squeeze() if sites.ndim != 2 or sites.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( f"The site coordinates must have shape (n, 2), got {sites.shape!r}" ) if elements.ndim != 2 or elements.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError( f"The elements must have shape (m, 3), got {elements.shape!r}." ) boundary_indices = Mesh.find_boundary_indices(elements) dual_sites = edge_mesh = polygons = areas = None if create_submesh: dual_sites = generate_voronoi_vertices(sites, elements) edge_mesh = EdgeMesh.from_mesh(sites, elements, dual_sites) areas, polygons = Mesh.compute_voronoi_areas_polygons( sites, elements, dual_sites, edge_mesh, boundary_indices ) return Mesh( sites=sites, elements=elements, boundary_indices=boundary_indices, edge_mesh=edge_mesh, voronoi_polygons=polygons, dual_sites=dual_sites, areas=areas, )
[docs] @staticmethod def find_boundary_indices(elements: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Find the boundary vertices. Args: elements: The triangular elements. Returns: An array of site indices corresponding to the boundary. """ edges, is_boundary = get_edges(elements) # Get the boundary edges and all boundary points boundary_edges = edges[is_boundary] return np.unique(boundary_edges.flatten())
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_voronoi_areas_polygons( sites: np.ndarray, elements: np.ndarray, dual_sites: np.ndarray, edge_mesh: EdgeMesh, boundary_indices: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute the area and indices of the Voronoi region for each vertex. Args: sites: The (x, y) coordinates of the mesh sites. elements: The mesh triangle indices. dual_sites: The (x, y) coordinates of the dual mesh vertices. edge_mesh: A :class:`tdgl.finite_volume.EdgeMesh` instance for the triangulation defined by ``sites`` and ``elements``. boundary_indices: The site indices corresponding to the boundary. Returns: The Voronoi cell areas and the counterclockwise-oriented vertices of the Voronoi cells. """ # Compute polygons to use when computing area polygon_indices = get_voronoi_polygon_indices(elements, len(sites)) # Get the areas for each vertex areas, voronoi_polygons = compute_voronoi_polygon_areas( sites=sites, dual_sites=dual_sites, boundary=boundary_indices, edges=edge_mesh.edges, boundary_edge_indices=edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices, polygons=polygon_indices, ) return areas, voronoi_polygons
[docs] def get_quantity_on_site( self, quantity_on_edge: np.ndarray, vector: bool = True, use_cupy: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the quantity on site by averaging over all edges connecting to each site. Args: quantity_on_edge: Observable on the edges. vector: Whether ``quantity_on_edge`` is a vector quantity. use_cupy. Whether to use ``cupy`` interface. Returns: The quantity vector or scalar at each site. """ normalized_directions = self.edge_mesh.normalized_directions edges = self.edge_mesh.edges if use_cupy: xp = cupy normalized_directions = xp.asarray(normalized_directions) edges = xp.asarray(edges) else: xp = np if vector: flux_x = quantity_on_edge * normalized_directions[:, 0] flux_y = quantity_on_edge * normalized_directions[:, 1] else: flux_x = flux_y = quantity_on_edge # Sum x and y components for every edge connecting to the vertex vertices = xp.concatenate([edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1]]) x_values = xp.concatenate([flux_x, flux_x]) y_values = xp.concatenate([flux_y, flux_y]) counts = xp.bincount(vertices) x_group_values = xp.bincount(vertices, weights=x_values) / counts y_group_values = xp.bincount(vertices, weights=y_values) / counts vector_val = xp.array([x_group_values, y_group_values]).T / 2 if vector: return vector_val return vector_val[:, 0]
[docs] def smooth(self, iterations: int, create_submesh: bool = True) -> "Mesh": """Perform Laplacian smoothing of the mesh, i.e., moving each interior vertex to the arithmetic average of its neighboring points. Args: iterations: The number of smoothing iterations to perform. create_submesh: Whether to create the dual mesh and edge mesh. Returns: A new :class:`tdgl.finite_volume.Mesh` with relaxed vertex positions. """ mesh = self elements = mesh.elements edges, _ = get_edges(elements) n = len(mesh.sites) shape = (n, 2) boundary = mesh.boundary_indices for i in range(iterations): sites = mesh.sites num_neighbors = np.bincount(edges.ravel(), minlength=shape[0]) new_sites = np.zeros(shape) vals = sites[edges[:, 1]].T new_sites += np.array( [np.bincount(edges[:, 0], val, minlength=n) for val in vals] ).T vals = sites[edges[:, 0]].T new_sites += np.array( [np.bincount(edges[:, 1], val, minlength=n) for val in vals] ).T new_sites /= num_neighbors[:, np.newaxis] # reset boundary points new_sites[boundary] = sites[boundary] mesh = Mesh.from_triangulation( new_sites, elements, create_submesh=(create_submesh and (i == (iterations - 1))), ) return mesh
[docs] def plot( self, ax: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None, show_sites: bool = True, show_edges: bool = False, show_dual_edges: bool = True, show_voronoi_centroids: bool = False, site_color: Union[str, Sequence[float], None] = None, edge_color: Union[str, Sequence[float], None] = "k", centroid_color: Union[str, Sequence[float], None] = None, dual_edge_color: Union[str, Sequence[float], None] = "k", linewidth: float = 0.75, linestyle: str = "-", marker: str = ".", ) -> plt.Axes: """Plot the mesh. Args: ax: A :class:`plt.Axes` instance on which to plot the mesh. show_sites: Whether to show the mesh sites. show_edges: Whether to show the mesh edges. show_dual_edges: Whether to show the dual mesh edges. show_voronoi_centroids: Whether to show the centroid of each Voronoi cell. site_color: The color for the sites. edge_color: The color for the edges. dual_edge_color: The color for the dual edges. centroid_color: The color for the Voronoi centroids. linewidth: The line width for all edges. linestyle: The line style for all edges. marker: The marker to use for the mesh sites and Voronoi centroids. Returns: The resulting :class:`plt.Axes` """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect("equal") x, y = self.sites.T tri = self.elements if show_edges: ax.triplot(x, y, tri, color=edge_color, ls=linestyle, lw=linewidth) if show_dual_edges: for poly in self.voronoi_polygons: ax.plot( *close_curve(poly).T, color=dual_edge_color, ls=linestyle, lw=linewidth, ) if show_sites: ax.plot(x, y, marker=marker, ls="", color=site_color) if show_voronoi_centroids: centroids = [convex_polygon_centroid(p) for p in self.voronoi_polygons] ax.plot(*np.array(centroids).T, marker=marker, ls="", color=centroid_color) return ax
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group, compress: bool = False) -> None: """Save the mesh to a :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5group: The :class:`h5py.Group` into which to store the mesh. compress: If ``True``, store only the sites and elements. """ h5group["sites"] = self.sites h5group["elements"] = self.elements if not compress: h5group["boundary_indices"] = self.boundary_indices h5group["areas"] = self.areas self.edge_mesh.to_hdf5(h5group.create_group("edge_mesh")) if self.dual_sites is not None: h5group["dual_sites"] = self.dual_sites # Save the Voronoi polygon vertices in a single shape (n, 2) array. # The ragged list of polygon vertices can be recovered by calling # np.split(polygons_flat, split_indices) split_indices = np.cumsum( [len(polygon) for polygon in self.voronoi_polygons[:-1]] ) polygons_flat = np.concatenate(self.voronoi_polygons, axis=0) h5group["voronoi_polygons_flat"] = polygons_flat h5group["voronoi_split_indices"] = split_indices
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5(h5group: h5py.Group) -> "Mesh": """Load a mesh from an HDF5 file. Args: h5group: The HDF5 group to load the mesh from. Returns: The loaded mesh. """ if not ("sites" in h5group and "elements" in h5group): raise IOError("Could not load mesh due to missing data.") if Mesh.is_restorable(h5group): polygons_flat = np.array(h5group["voronoi_polygons_flat"]) voronoi_indices = np.array(h5group["voronoi_split_indices"]) voronoi_polygons = np.split(polygons_flat, voronoi_indices) return Mesh( sites=np.array(h5group["sites"]), elements=np.array(h5group["elements"], dtype=np.int64), boundary_indices=np.array(h5group["boundary_indices"], dtype=np.int64), areas=np.array(h5group["areas"]), dual_sites=np.array(h5group["dual_sites"]), voronoi_polygons=voronoi_polygons, edge_mesh=EdgeMesh.from_hdf5(h5group["edge_mesh"]), ) # Recreate mesh from triangulation data if not all data is available return Mesh.from_triangulation( sites=np.array(h5group["sites"]).squeeze(), elements=np.array(h5group["elements"]), )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_restorable(h5group: h5py.Group) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the :class:`h5py.Group` contains all of the data necessary to create a :class:`tdgl.finite_volume.Mesh` without re-computing any values. Args: h5group: The :class:`h5py.Group` to check. Returns: Whether the mesh can be restored from the given group. """ return ( "sites" in h5group and "elements" in h5group and "boundary_indices" in h5group and "areas" in h5group and "edge_mesh" in h5group and "dual_sites" in h5group and "voronoi_polygons_flat" in h5group and "voronoi_split_indices" in h5group )