Source code for tdgl.finite_volume.operators

import warnings
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

    import cupy  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    cupy = None
    from cupyx.scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix  # type: ignore
    from cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized  # type: ignore

from ..solver.options import SparseSolver
from .mesh import Mesh

def _get_spmatrix_offsets_cupy(spmatrix, i, j):
    """Calculates the sparse matrix offsets for a set of rows ``i`` and columns ``j``."""
    # See _set_many() at
    i, j, M, N = spmatrix._prepare_indices(i, j)
    new_sp = csr_matrix(
            cupy.arange(spmatrix.nnz, dtype=cupy.float32),
        shape=(M, N),
    offsets = new_sp._get_arrayXarray(i, j, not_found_val=-1).astype(cupy.int32).ravel()
    return offsets, (i, j, M, N)

def _spmatrix_set_many(spmatrix, i, j, x):
    if sp.issparse(spmatrix):
        spmatrix[i, j] = x

    i, j = spmatrix._swap(i, j)
    offsets, (i, j, M, N) = _get_spmatrix_offsets_cupy(spmatrix, i, j)

    mask = offsets > -1
    # update where possible[offsets[mask]] = x[mask]

    if not mask.all():
        # only insertions remain
        mask = ~mask
        i = i[mask]
        i[i < 0] += M
        j = j[mask]
        j[j < 0] += N
        spmatrix._insert_many(i, j, x[mask])

[docs]def build_divergence(mesh: Mesh) -> sp.csr_array: """Build the divergence matrix that takes the divergence of a function living on the edges onto the sites. Args: mesh: The mesh. Returns: The divergence matrix. """ edge_mesh = mesh.edge_mesh # Indices for each edge edge_indices = np.arange(len(edge_mesh.edges)) # Compute the weights for each edge weights = edge_mesh.dual_edge_lengths # Rows and cols to update edges0 = edge_mesh.edges[:, 0] edges1 = edge_mesh.edges[:, 1] rows = np.concatenate([edges0, edges1]) cols = np.concatenate([edge_indices, edge_indices]) values = np.concatenate( [weights / mesh.areas[edges0], -weights / mesh.areas[edges1]] ) return sp.csr_array( (values, (rows, cols)), shape=(len(mesh.sites), len(edge_mesh.edges)) )
[docs]def build_gradient( mesh: Mesh, link_exponents: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, weights: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, ) -> sp.csr_array: """Build the gradient for a function living on the sites onto the edges. Args: mesh: The mesh. link_exponents: The value is integrated, exponentiated and used as a link variable. Returns: The gradient matrix. """ edge_mesh = mesh.edge_mesh edge_indices = np.arange(len(edge_mesh.edges)) if weights is None: weights = 1 / edge_mesh.edge_lengths if link_exponents is None: link_variable_weights = np.ones(len(weights)) else: link_variable_weights = np.exp( -1j * np.einsum("ij, ij -> i", link_exponents, edge_mesh.directions) ) rows = np.concatenate([edge_indices, edge_indices]) cols = np.concatenate([edge_mesh.edges[:, 1], edge_mesh.edges[:, 0]]) values = np.concatenate([link_variable_weights * weights, -weights]) return sp.csr_array( (values, (rows, cols)), shape=(len(edge_mesh.edges), len(mesh.sites)) )
[docs]def build_laplacian( mesh: Mesh, link_exponents: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, fixed_sites: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, free_rows: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, fixed_sites_eigenvalues: float = 1, weights: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, ) -> Tuple[sp.csc_array, np.ndarray]: """Build a Laplacian matrix on a given mesh. The default boundary condition is homogenous Neumann conditions. To get Dirichlet conditions, add fixed sites. To get non-homogenous Neumann condition, the flux needs to be specified using a Neumann boundary Laplacian matrix. Args: mesh: The mesh. link_exponents: The value is integrated, exponentiated and used as a link variable. fixed_sites: The sites to hold fixed. fixed_sites_eigenvalues: The eigenvalues for the fixed sites. Returns: The Laplacian matrix and indices of non-fixed rows. """ if fixed_sites is None: fixed_sites = np.array([], dtype=int) edge_mesh = mesh.edge_mesh if weights is None: weights = edge_mesh.dual_edge_lengths / edge_mesh.edge_lengths if link_exponents is None: link_variable_weights = np.ones(len(weights)) else: link_variable_weights = np.exp( -1j * np.einsum("ij, ij -> i", link_exponents, edge_mesh.directions) ) edges0 = edge_mesh.edges[:, 0] edges1 = edge_mesh.edges[:, 1] rows = np.concatenate([edges0, edges1, edges0, edges1]) cols = np.concatenate([edges1, edges0, edges0, edges1]) areas0 = mesh.areas[edges0] areas1 = mesh.areas[edges1] values = np.concatenate( [ weights * link_variable_weights / areas0, weights * link_variable_weights.conjugate() / areas1, -weights / areas0, -weights / areas1, ] ) # Exclude all edges connected to fixed sites and set the # fixed site diagonal elements separately. if free_rows is None: free_rows = np.isin(rows, fixed_sites, invert=True) rows = rows[free_rows] cols = cols[free_rows] values = values[free_rows] rows = np.concatenate([rows, fixed_sites]) cols = np.concatenate([cols, fixed_sites]) values = np.concatenate( [values, fixed_sites_eigenvalues * np.ones(len(fixed_sites))] ) laplacian = sp.csc_array( (values, (rows, cols)), shape=(len(mesh.sites), len(mesh.sites)) ) return laplacian, free_rows
[docs]def build_neumann_boundary_laplacian( mesh: Mesh, fixed_sites: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None ) -> sp.csr_array: """Build extra matrix for the Laplacian to set non-homogenous Neumann boundary conditions. Args: mesh: The mesh. fixed_sites: The fixed sites. Returns: The Neumann boundary matrix. """ edge_mesh = mesh.edge_mesh boundary_index = np.arange(len(edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices)) # Get the boundary edges which are stored in the beginning of # the edge vector boundary_edges = edge_mesh.edges[edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices] boundary_edges_length = edge_mesh.edge_lengths[edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices] # Rows and cols to update rows = np.concatenate([boundary_edges[:, 0], boundary_edges[:, 1]]) cols = np.concatenate([boundary_index, boundary_index]) # The values values = np.concatenate( [ boundary_edges_length / (2 * mesh.areas[boundary_edges[:, 0]]), boundary_edges_length / (2 * mesh.areas[boundary_edges[:, 1]]), ] ) # Build the matrix neumann_laplacian = sp.csr_array( (values, (rows, cols)), shape=(len(mesh.sites), len(boundary_index)) ) # Change the rows corresponding to fixed sites to identity if fixed_sites is not None: # Convert laplacian to list of lists # This makes it quick to do slices neumann_laplacian = neumann_laplacian.tolil() # Change the rows corresponding to the fixed sites neumann_laplacian[fixed_sites, :] = 0 return neumann_laplacian.tocsr(copy=False)
[docs]class MeshOperators: """A container for the finite volume operators for a given mesh. Args: mesh: The :class:`tdgl.finite_volume.Mesh` instance for which to construct operators. sparse_solver: The sparse solver for which to build mesh operators. use_cupy: Use CuPy for linear algebra. fixed_sites: The indices of any sites for which the value of :math:`\\psi` and :math:`\\mu` are fixed as boundary conditions. """ def __init__( self, mesh: Mesh, sparse_solver: SparseSolver, use_cupy: bool = False, fixed_sites: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, fix_psi: bool = True, ): self.mesh = mesh self.areas = mesh.areas edge_mesh = mesh.edge_mesh self.edges = edge_mesh.edges self.edge_directions = edge_mesh.directions self.use_cupy = use_cupy self.sparse_solver = sparse_solver self.fixed_sites = fixed_sites self.fix_psi = fix_psi self.laplacian_free_rows: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.divergence: Union[sp.spmatrix, None] = None self.mu_laplacian: Union[sp.spmatrix, None] = None self.mu_boundary_laplacian: Union[sp.spmatrix, None] = None self.mu_laplacian_lu: Union[Callable, None] = None self.psi_gradient: Union[sp.spmatrix, None] = None self.psi_laplacian: Union[sp.spmatrix, None] = None self.link_exponents: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None # Compute these quantities just once, as they never change. self.gradient_weights = 1 / edge_mesh.edge_lengths self.laplacian_weights = edge_mesh.dual_edge_lengths / edge_mesh.edge_lengths self.gradient_link_rows = np.arange(len(edge_mesh.edges), dtype=int) self.gradient_link_cols = edge_mesh.edges[:, 1] self.laplacian_link_rows = np.concatenate( [edge_mesh.edges[:, 0], edge_mesh.edges[:, 1]] ) self.laplacian_link_cols = np.concatenate( [edge_mesh.edges[:, 1], edge_mesh.edges[:, 0]] )
[docs] def build_operators(self) -> None: """Construct the vector potential-independent operators.""" mesh = self.mesh self.mu_laplacian, _ = build_laplacian(mesh, weights=self.laplacian_weights) self.mu_boundary_laplacian = build_neumann_boundary_laplacian(mesh) self.mu_gradient = build_gradient(mesh, weights=self.gradient_weights) self.divergence = build_divergence(mesh) if self.use_cupy: assert cupy is not None self.mu_boundary_laplacian = csr_matrix(self.mu_boundary_laplacian) self.mu_gradient = csr_matrix(self.mu_gradient) self.divergence = csr_matrix(self.divergence) self.areas = cupy.array(self.areas) self.edge_directions = cupy.array(self.edge_directions) if self.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.CUPY: assert cupy is not None self.mu_laplacian = csc_matrix(self.mu_laplacian) self.mu_laplacian_lu = factorized(self.mu_laplacian) elif self.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.PARDISO: # # self.mu_laplacian = sp.csc_matrix(self.mu_laplacian) self.mu_laplacian_lu = None else: use_umfpack = self.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.UMFPACK sp.linalg.use_solver(useUmfpack=use_umfpack) self.mu_laplacian_lu = sp.linalg.factorized(self.mu_laplacian)
[docs] def get_supercurrent(self, psi: np.ndarray): """Compute the supercurrent on the edges. Args: psi: The value of the complex order parameter. Returns: The supercurrent at each edge. """ return (psi.conjugate()[self.edges[:, 0]] * (self.psi_gradient @ psi)).imag