import dataclasses
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..finite_volume.mesh import Mesh
from ..geometry import path_vectors
def get_data_range(h5file: h5py.File) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Returns the minimum and maximum solve steps in the file."""
keys = np.asarray([int(key) for key in h5file["data"]])
return np.min(keys), np.max(keys)
def load_state_data(h5file: h5py.File, step: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a dict of state data for the given solve step."""
return dict(h5file["data"][str(step)].attrs)
def array_safe_equals(a: Any, b: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if a and b are equal, even if they are numpy arrays."""
if a is b:
return True
if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and isinstance(b, np.ndarray):
return a.shape == b.shape and np.allclose(a, b)
return a == b
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def dataclass_equals(dc1: Any, dc2: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if two dataclasses that may hold numpy arrays are equal."""
if dc1 is dc2:
return True
if dc1.__class__ is not dc2.__class__:
return NotImplemented
t1 = dataclasses.astuple(dc1)
t2 = dataclasses.astuple(dc2)
return all(array_safe_equals(a1, a2) for a1, a2 in zip(t1, t2))
def get_edge_quantity_data(
quantity_on_edges: np.ndarray, mesh: Mesh
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float]]:
"""Returns the value of a vector quantity living on the edges of the mesh,
evaluated at sites in the mesh.
quantity_on_edges: An array of quantity values on the mesh edges.
mesh: The :class:`tdgl.finite_volume.mesh.Mesh` instance.
The magnitude and directions of the quantity on the sites, and a tuple
of the (min, max) of the data.
directions = mesh.get_quantity_on_site(quantity_on_edges)
norm = np.linalg.norm(directions, axis=1)
directions /= np.maximum(norm, 1e-12)[:, np.newaxis]
return norm, directions, (np.min(norm), np.max(norm))
class TDGLData:
"""A container for raw data from the TDGL solver at a single solve step.
step: The solver iteration.
epsilon: The disorder parameter. :math:`\\epsilon<1` weakens the
order parameter.
psi: The complex order parameter at each site in the mesh.
mu: The scalar potential at each site in the mesh.
applied_vector_potential: The applied vector potential at each edge in the mesh.
induced_vector_potential: The induced vector potential at each edge in the mesh.
supercurrent: The supercurrent density at each edge in the mesh.
normal_current: The normal density at each edge in the mesh.
state: The solver state for the current iteration.
step: int
epsilon: np.ndarray
psi: np.ndarray
mu: np.ndarray
applied_vector_potential: np.ndarray
induced_vector_potential: np.ndarray
supercurrent: np.ndarray
normal_current: np.ndarray
state: Dict[str, Any]
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_hdf5(h5file: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Group], step: int) -> "TDGLData":
"""Load a :class:`TDGLData` instance from an output :class:`h5py.File`.
h5file: An open HDF5 output file.
step: The solver iteration for which to load data.
A :class:`TDGLData` instance containing data for the requested solve step.
step = str(step)
def get(key, default=None):
if key in ["step"]:
return int(step)
if key in ["state"]:
return load_state_data(h5file, step)
if key in h5file:
dset = h5file[key]
return np.asarray(dset)
if key in h5file["data"][step]:
dset = h5file["data"][step][key]
return np.array(dset)
return default
return TDGLData(
**{ get( for field in dataclasses.fields(TDGLData)}
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group) -> None:
"""Save a :class:`TDGLData` instance to an :class:`h5py.Group`.
h5group: An open :class:`h5py.Group` in which to save the data.
group = h5group.create_group(str(self.step))
for key, value in dataclasses.asdict(self).items():
if key in ["step"]:
if key in ["state"]:
group[key] = value
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
return dataclass_equals(self, other)
class DynamicsData:
"""A container for the measured dynamics of a TDGL solution,
measured at each time step in the simulation.
dt: The solver time step, :math:`\\Delta t^{n}`.
time: The solver time, a derived attribute which is equal to the cumulative
sum of the time step.
mu: The electric potential, :math:`\\mu`.
theta: The phase of the order parameter, :math:`\\theta=\\arg\\psi`
screening_iterations: The number of screening iterations performed at each
time step.
dt: np.ndarray
time: np.ndarray = dataclasses.field(init=False)
mu: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
theta: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
screening_iterations: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
def __post_init__(self):
self.time = np.cumsum(self.dt)
[docs] def time_slice(self, tmin: float = -np.inf, tmax: float = np.inf) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the integer indices corresponding to the specified time window.
tmin: The minimum of the time window.
tmax: The maximum of the time window.
An array of indices for the time window.
ts = self.time
(indices,) = np.where((ts >= tmin) & (ts <= tmax))
return indices
[docs] def closest_time(self, time: float) -> int:
"""Returns the index of the time step closest to ``time``.
time: The time for which to find the index.
The index of the time step closest to ``time``.
return np.argmin(np.abs(self.time - time))
[docs] def voltage(self, i: int = 0, j: int = 1) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the voltage, i.e., the electric potential difference
between probe points ``i`` and ``j``, as a function of time.
i: Index for the first probe point.
j: Index for the second probe point.
The voltage :math:`V_{ij}(t)=\\mu_i(t)-\\mu_j(t)`
if is None:
raise ValueError("No voltage data available.")
if[0] == 1:
raise ValueError("The solution has only one probe point.")
return[i] -[j]
[docs] def phase_difference(self, i: int = 0, j: int = 1) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the phase difference between probe points ``i`` and ``j``
as a function of time.
i: Index for the first probe point.
j: Index for the second probe point.
The phase difference :math:`\\Delta\\theta_{ij}(t)=\\theta_i(t)-\\theta_j(t)`,
where :math:`\\theta=\\arg\\psi`.
if self.theta is None:
raise ValueError("No phase data available.")
if self.theta.shape[0] == 1:
raise ValueError("The solution has only one probe point.")
return self.theta[i] - self.theta[j]
[docs] def mean_voltage(
self, i: int = 0, j: int = 1, tmin: float = -np.inf, tmax: float = np.inf
) -> float:
"""Returns the time-averaged voltage :math:`\\langle \\Delta\\mu \\rangle`
over the specified time interval.
.. math::
\\langle V_{i,j} \\rangle =
\\frac{\\sum_n V_{i,j}^{n}\\cdot\\Delta t^{n}}{\\sum_n\\Delta t^{n}}
i: Index for the first probe point.
j: Index for the second probe point.
tmin: The minimum of the time window over which to average.
tmax: The maximum of the time window over which to average.
The time-averaged voltage over the specified time window.
if is None:
raise ValueError("No voltage data available.")
indices = self.time_slice(tmin, tmax)
return np.average(self.voltage(i, j)[indices], weights=self.dt[indices])
[docs] def resample(self, num_points: Union[int, None] = None) -> "DynamicsData":
"""Re-sample the dynamics to a uniform grid using linear interpolation.
num_points: The number of points to interpolate to.
A new :class:`DynamicsData` instance with the re-sampled data.
time = self.time
if num_points is None:
num_points = len(time)
ts = np.linspace(time.min(), time.max(), num_points)
mu = theta = None
if is not None:
mu = np.array([np.interp(ts, time, val) for val in])
if self.theta is not None:
theta = np.array([np.interp(ts, time, val) for val in self.theta])
return DynamicsData(dt=(ts[1] - ts[0]) * np.ones_like(ts), mu=mu, theta=theta)
[docs] def plot(
i: int = 0,
j: int = 1,
tmin: float = -np.inf,
tmax: float = +np.inf,
grid: bool = True,
mean_voltage: bool = True,
labels: bool = True,
legend: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Sequence[plt.Axes]]:
"""Plot the voltage and phase difference over the specified time window.
i: Index for the first probe point.
j: Index for the second probe point.
tmin: The minimum of the time window to plot.
tmax: The maximum of the time window to plot.
grid: Whether to add grid lines to the plots.
mean_voltage: Whether to plot a horizontal line at the mean voltage.
labels: Whether to include axis labels.
legend: Whether to include a legend.
matplotlib figure and axes.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
ax, bx = axes
ts = self.time
vs = self.voltage(i, j)
phases = np.unwrap(self.phase_difference(i, j)) / np.pi
indices = self.time_slice(tmin, tmax)
ax.plot(ts[indices], vs[indices])
if mean_voltage:
self.mean_voltage(i=i, j=j, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax),
label="Mean voltage",
bx.plot(ts[indices], phases[indices])
if labels:
ax.set_ylabel(f"Voltage\n$\\Delta\\mu_{{{i},{j}}}$ [$V_0$]")
bx.set_xlabel("Time, $t$ [$\\tau_0$]")
bx.set_ylabel(f"Phase difference\n$\\Delta\\theta_{{{i},{j}}}/\\pi$")
if legend:
return fig, axes
[docs] def plot_dt(
tmin: float = -np.inf,
tmax: float = +np.inf,
grid: bool = True,
labels: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Tuple[plt.Axes, plt.Axes]]:
"""Plots the time step :math:`\\Delta t^{n}` vs. time and a histogram of
:math:`\\Delta t^{n}`.
tmin: The minimum of the time window to plot.
tmax: The maximum of the time window to plot.
grid: Whether to add grid lines to the plots.
labels: Whether to include axis labels.
histogram_kwargs: Passed to plt.Axes.hist().
matplotlib figure and two axes.
fig, (ax, bx) = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw=dict(width_ratios=[2, 1]))
ts = self.time
indices = self.time_slice(tmin, tmax)
ax.plot(ts[indices], self.dt[indices])
histogram_kwargs = histogram_kwargs.copy()
histogram_kwargs.setdefault("bins", 101)
histogram_kwargs.setdefault("density", True)
histogram_kwargs["orientation"] = "horizontal"
bx.hist(self.dt[indices], **histogram_kwargs)
if labels:
ax.set_xlabel("Time, $t$ [$\\tau_0$]")
ax.set_ylabel("Time step, $\\Delta t$ [$\\tau_0$]")
if histogram_kwargs.get("density", False):
bx.set_xlabel("Counts per bin")
return fig, (ax, bx)
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_hdf5(
h5file: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Group],
step_min: Union[int, None] = None,
step_max: Union[int, None] = None,
) -> "DynamicsData":
"""Load a :class:`DynamicsData` instance from an output :class:`h5py.File`.
h5file: An open HDF5 output file.
step_min: The minimum solve step to load.
step_max: The maximum solve step to load.
A new :class:`DynamicsData` instance.
iterations = None
if "theta" in h5file:
# Load from DynamicsData.to_hdf5()
dt = np.array(h5file["dt"])
mu = screening_iterations = None
theta = np.array(h5file["theta"])
if "mu" in h5file:
mu = np.array(h5file["mu"])
if "screening_iterations" in h5file:
iterations = np.array(h5file["screening_iterations"])
dts = []
mus = []
thetas = []
screening_iterations = []
if step_min is None:
step_min, step_max = get_data_range(h5file)
for i in range(step_min, step_max + 1):
grp = h5file[f"data/{i}"]
if "running_state" not in grp:
grp = grp["running_state"]
if "mu" in grp:
if "theta" in grp:
if "screening_iterations" in grp:
dt = np.concatenate(dts)
mask = dt > 0
dt = dt[mask]
mu = theta = iterations = None
if mus:
mu = np.concatenate(mus, axis=1)[..., mask]
if thetas:
theta = np.concatenate(thetas, axis=1)[..., mask]
if screening_iterations:
iterations = np.concatenate(screening_iterations)[mask]
return DynamicsData(
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group) -> None:
"""Save a :class:`DynamicsData` instance to an :class:`h5py.Group`.
h5group: An open :class:`h5py.Group` in which to save the data.
h5group["dt"] = self.dt
if is not None:
h5group["mu"] =
if self.theta is not None:
h5group["theta"] = self.theta
if self.screening_iterations is not None:
h5group["screening_iterations"] = self.screening_iterations
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_solution(
solution_path: str,
probe_points: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]] = None,
progress_bar: bool = False,
) -> "DynamicsData":
"""Load :class:`DynamicsData` from the saved time steps of a :class:`tdgl.Solution`.
solution_path: Path to the :class:`tdgl.Solution`
probe_points: The probe coordinates for which to extract dynamics.
If ``None``, defaults to ``solution.device.probe_points``.
progress_bar: Show a progress bar while loading data.
A new :class:`DynamicsData` instance
from .solution import Solution
solution = Solution.from_hdf5(solution_path)
device = solution.device
mesh = device.mesh
if probe_points is None:
probe_points = device.probe_points
if probe_points is None:
raise ValueError("No probe points were provided.")
probe_points = np.asarray(probe_points).squeeze()
if probe_points.ndim != 2 or probe_points.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Probe points must have shape (n, 2), got {probe_points.shape}."
if not device.contains_points(probe_points).all():
raise ValueError("All probe points must lie within the film.")
xi = device.coherence_length.magnitude
probe_point_indices = [mesh.closest_site(xy) for xy in probe_points / xi]
step_min, step_max = solution.data_range
num_probes = len(probe_points)
num_steps = step_max - step_min + 1
times = np.zeros(num_steps)
mus = np.zeros((num_probes, num_steps))
thetas = np.zeros((num_probes, num_steps))
with h5py.File(solution_path, "r") as h5file:
for i in tqdm(
range(step_min, step_max + 1),
desc="Time steps",
disable=(not progress_bar),
grp = h5file[f"data/{i}"]
times[i] = float(grp.attrs["time"])
mus[:, i] = np.array(grp["mu"])[probe_point_indices]
thetas[:, i] = np.angle(np.array(grp["psi"]))[probe_point_indices]
return DynamicsData(dt=np.diff(times), mu=mus, theta=thetas)
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
return dataclass_equals(self, other)
[docs]def get_current_through_paths(
solution_path: str,
paths: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]],
dataset: Optional[str] = None,
interp_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
units: Optional[str] = None,
with_units: bool = True,
progress_bar: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]]:
"""Calculates the current through one or more paths for each saved time step.
solution_path: Path to the solution HDF5 file.
paths: A list of ``(n, 2)`` arrays of ``(x, y)`` coordinates defining
the paths. A single ``(n, 2)`` array is also allowed.
dataset: ``None``, ``"supercurrent"``, or ``"normal_current"``.
``None`` indicates the total current.
interp_method: Interpolation method: either "linear" or "cubic".
units: The current units to return.
with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` with units attached.
progress_bar: Whether to display a progress bar.
``(times, currents)``, where ``currents`` is a list of arrays of the
time-dependent current through each path. If ``paths`` is given as a
single array, ``currents`` will be returned as a single array.
from .solution import Solution
solution = Solution.from_hdf5(solution_path)
device = solution.device
tri = device.triangulation
ureg = device.ureg
valid_methods = ("linear", "cubic")
if interp_method not in valid_methods:
raise ValueError(
f"Interpolation method must be one of {valid_methods} (got {interp_method})."
interp_type = {
"linear": mtri.LinearTriInterpolator,
"cubic": mtri.CubicTriInterpolator,
valid_datasets = ("supercurrent", "normal_current", None)
if dataset not in valid_datasets:
raise ValueError(
f"Dataset name must be one of {valid_datasets} (got {dataset})."
if units is None:
units = solution.current_units
length_units = ureg(device.length_units)
if isinstance(paths, np.ndarray):
paths = [paths]
paths = [np.asarray(p) for p in paths]
edge_positions = []
edge_lengths = []
unit_normals = []
in_device = []
for path in paths:
edge_positions.append((path[:-1] + path[1:]) / 2)
lengths, normals = path_vectors(path)
step_min, step_max = solution.data_range
times = solution.times
raw_currents = [np.zeros_like(times) for _ in paths]
with h5py.File(solution_path, "r") as h5file:
for i in tqdm(
range(step_min, step_max + 1), desc="Time steps", disable=(not progress_bar)
grp = h5file[f"data/{i}"]
if dataset is None:
K = np.array(grp["normal_current"]) + np.array(grp["supercurrent"])
K = np.array(grp[dataset])
K = device.mesh.get_quantity_on_site(K)
Kx_interp = interp_type(tri, K[:, 0])
Ky_interp = interp_type(tri, K[:, 1])
for j, (path, lengths, normals, ix) in enumerate(
zip(paths, edge_lengths, unit_normals, in_device)
Kx_path = Kx_interp(path[:, 0], path[:, 1]).data
Ky_path = Ky_interp(path[:, 0], path[:, 1]).data
K_path = np.array([Kx_path, Ky_path]).T
K_path[~np.isfinite(K_path).all(axis=1)] = 0
# Evaluate the sheet current at the edge centers
K_edge = (K_path[:-1] + K_path[1:]) / 2
K_dot_n = (K_edge * normals).sum(axis=1)
raw_currents[j][i] = np.trapz((K_dot_n * lengths)[ix])
currents = []
for current in raw_currents:
J = current * (device.K0 * length_units).to(units)
if not with_units:
J = J.magnitude
if len(currents) == 1:
currents = currents[0]
return times, currents