Source code for tdgl.solution.plot_solution

from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable
from scipy import interpolate

from ..visualization import auto_grid, auto_range_iqr
from .data import get_current_through_paths
from .solution import Solution

def setup_color_limits(
    dict_of_arrays: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
    vmin: Union[float, None] = None,
    vmax: Union[float, None] = None,
    share_color_scale: bool = False,
    symmetric_color_scale: bool = False,
    auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]:
    """Set up color limits (vmin, vmax) for a dictionary of numpy arrays.

        dict_of_arrays: Dict of ``{name: array}`` for which to compute color limits.
        vmin: If provided, this vmin will be used for all arrays. If vmin is not None,
            then vmax must also not be None.
        vmax: If provided, this vmax will be used for all arrays. If vmax is not None,
            then vmin must also not be None.
        share_color_scale: Whether to force all arrays to share the same color scale.
            This option is ignored if vmin and vmax are provided.
        symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax).
            This option is ignored if vmin and vmax are provided.
        auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for :func:`tdgl.solution.plot_solution.auto_range_iqr`.

        A dict of ``{name: (vmin, vmax)}``
    if (vmin is not None and vmax is None) or (vmax is not None and vmin is None):
        raise ValueError("If either vmin or max is provided, both must be provided.")
    if vmin is not None:
        return {name: (vmin, vmax) for name in dict_of_arrays}

    if auto_range_cutoff is None:
        clims = {
            name: (np.nanmin(array), np.nanmax(array))
            for name, array in dict_of_arrays.items()
        clims = {
            name: auto_range_iqr(array, cutoff_percentile=auto_range_cutoff)
            for name, array in dict_of_arrays.items()

    if share_color_scale:
        # All subplots share the same color scale
        global_vmin = np.inf
        global_vmax = -np.inf
        for vmin, vmax in clims.values():
            global_vmin = min(vmin, global_vmin)
            global_vmax = max(vmax, global_vmax)
        clims = {name: (global_vmin, global_vmax) for name in dict_of_arrays}

    if symmetric_color_scale:
        # Set vmin = -vmax
        new_clims = {}
        for name, (vmin, vmax) in clims.items():
            new_vmax = max(vmax, -vmin)
            new_clims[name] = (-new_vmax, new_vmax)
        clims = new_clims

    return clims

def cross_section(
    dataset_coords: np.ndarray,
    dataset_values: np.ndarray,
    cross_section_coords: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]],
    interp_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
    """Takes a cross-section of the specified dataset values along
    a path given by the given dataset coordinates.

        dataset_coords: A shape (n, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for the dataset.
        dataset_values: A shape (n, ) array of dataset values of which
            to take a cross-section.
        cross_section_coords: A shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates specifying
            the cross-section path (or a list of such arrays for multiple
            cross sections).
        interp_method: The interpolation method to use: "linear" or "cubic".

        A list of coordinate arrays, a list of curvilinear coordinate (path) arrays,
        and a list of cross section values.
    valid_methods = ("linear", "cubic")
    if interp_method not in valid_methods:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Interpolation method must be one of {valid_methods} "
            f"(got {interp_method})."
    interpolator = {
        "linear": interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator,
        "cubic": interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator,

    if not (isinstance(cross_section_coords, Sequence)):
        cross_section_coords = [cross_section_coords]
    cross_section_coords = [np.asarray(c) for c in cross_section_coords]
    for i, arr in enumerate(cross_section_coords):
        if arr.ndim != 2 or arr.shape[1] != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid shape for coordinate array {i}: {arr.shape}. "
                f"Coordinate arrays must have shape (n, 2)."
    # Calculcate curvilinear cross section coordinates
    paths = []
    for c in cross_section_coords:
        path = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(c, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1)))
        paths.append(np.concatenate([[0], path], axis=0))
    # Calculate cross sections.
    cross_sections = []
    mask = np.isfinite(dataset_values)
    z_interp = interpolator(dataset_coords[mask], dataset_values[mask])
    for c in cross_section_coords:
        cross_sections.append(z_interp(c[:, 0], c[:, 1]))

    return cross_section_coords, paths, cross_sections

[docs]def plot_currents( solution: Solution, ax: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None, dataset: Union[str, None] = None, units: Union[str, None] = None, cmap: str = "inferno", colorbar: bool = True, auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, symmetric_color_scale: bool = False, vmin: Union[float, None] = None, vmax: Union[float, None] = None, streamplot: bool = True, min_stream_amp: float = 0.025, cross_section_coords: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray], None] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Sequence[plt.Axes]]: """Plots the sheet current density for a given :class:`tdgl.Solution`. Additional keyword arguments are passed to ``plt.subplots()``. .. seealso: :meth:`tdgl.Solution.plot_currents` Args: solution: The Solution from which to extract sheet current. dataset: The dataset to plot, either ``"supercurrent"`` or ``"normal_current"``. ``None`` indicates the total current density. ax: Matplotlib axes on which to plot. units: Units in which to plot the current density. Defaults to ``solution.current_units / solution.device.length_units``. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. colorbar: Whether to add a colorbar to each subplot. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for :func:`tdgl.solution.plot_solution.auto_range_iqr`. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum to use for all layers vmax: Color scale maximum to use for all layers streamplot: Whether to overlay current streamlines on the plot. min_stream_amp: Streamlines will not be drawn anywhere the current density is less than min_stream_amp * max(current_density). This avoids streamlines being drawn where there is no current flowing. cross_section_coords: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for a cross-section (or a list of such arrays). Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ device = solution.device length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units old_units = device.ureg(f"{solution.current_units} / {device.length_units}").units units = units or old_units if isinstance(units, str): units = device.ureg(units).units if dataset is None: J = solution.current_density elif dataset in ["supercurrent"]: J = solution.supercurrent_density elif dataset in ["normal_current"]: J = solution.normal_current_density else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected dataset: {dataset}.") if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) else: fig = ax.get_figure() J = Jx = J[:, 0] Jy = J[:, 1] Jnorm = np.sqrt(Jx**2 + Jy**2) x = solution.device.points[:, 0] y = solution.device.points[:, 1] t = solution.device.triangles clabel = "$|\\,\\vec{K}\\,|$" + f" [${units:~L}$]" clim = setup_color_limits( {"J": Jnorm}, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, )["J"] vmin, vmax = clim norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) im = ax.tripcolor(x, y, t, Jnorm, shading="gouraud", cmap=cmap, norm=norm) ax.set_title(f"{clabel.split('[')[0].strip()}") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max()) if cross_section_coords is not None: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("bottom", size="40%", pad="30%") coords, paths, cross_sections = cross_section( np.array([x, y]).T, Jnorm, cross_section_coords, ) for i, (coord, path, cross) in enumerate(zip(coords, paths, cross_sections)): color = f"C{i % 10}" cross[~device.contains_points(coord)] = np.nan ax.plot(*coord.T, "--", color=color, lw=2) ax.plot(*coord[0], "o", color=color) ax.plot(*coord[-1], "s", color=color) cax.plot(path, cross, color=color, lw=2) cax.plot(path[0], cross[0], "o", color=color) cax.plot(path[-1], cross[-1], "s", color=color) cax.grid(True) cax.set_xlabel(f"Distance along cut [${length_units:~L}$]") cax.set_ylabel(clabel) if streamplot: xgrid, ygrid, Jgrid = solution.grid_current_density( dataset=dataset, grid_shape=200, method="cubic", units=str(units), with_units=False, ) Jx, Jy = Jgrid J = np.sqrt(Jx**2 + Jy**2) xy = np.array([xgrid.ravel(), ygrid.ravel()]).T ix = np.where(~solution.device.contains_points(xy))[0] ix = np.unravel_index(ix, J.shape) Jx[ix] = np.nan Jy[ix] = np.nan if min_stream_amp is not None: cutoff = np.nanmax(J) * min_stream_amp Jx[J < cutoff] = np.nan Jy[J < cutoff] = np.nan ax.streamplot(xgrid, ygrid, Jx, Jy, color="w", density=1, linewidth=0.75) if colorbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(clabel) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_field_at_positions( solution: Solution, positions: np.ndarray, zs: Optional[Union[float, np.ndarray]] = None, vector: bool = False, units: Union[str, None] = None, grid_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = (200, 200), grid_method: str = "cubic", cmap: str = "cividis", colorbar: bool = True, auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, share_color_scale: bool = False, symmetric_color_scale: bool = False, vmin: Union[float, None] = None, vmax: Union[float, None] = None, cross_section_coords: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Sequence[plt.Axes]]: """Plots the Biot-Savart field (either all three components or just the z component) at a given set of positions (x, y, z) outside of the device. .. note:: This function plots only the field due to currents flowing in the device. It does not include the applied field. .. seealso: :meth:`tdgl.Solution.plot_field_at_positions` Additional keyword arguments are passed to ``plt.subplots()``. This function first evaluates the field at ``positions``, then interpolates the resulting fields to a rectangular grid for plotting. Args: solution: The Solution from which to extract fields. positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the magnetic field. zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the field. If positions has shape (m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. If zs is an array, then it must be same length as positions. vector: Whether to plot the full vector magnetic field or just the z component. units: Units in which to plot the fields. Defaults to ``solution.field_units``. grid_shape: Shape of the desired rectangular grid. If a single integer ``n`` is given, then the grid will be square, shape ``(n, n)``. grid_method: Interpolation method to use (see :func:`scipy.interpolate.griddata`). max_cols: Maximum number of columns in the grid of subplots. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. colorbar: Whether to add a colorbar to each subplot. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for :func:`tdgl.solution.plot_solution.auto_range_iqr`. share_color_scale: Whether to force all layers to use the same color scale. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum to use for all layers vmax: Color scale maximum to use for all layers cross_section_coords: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for a cross-section (or a list of such arrays). Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ device = solution.device # Length units from the Device length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units # The units the fields are currently in old_units = device.ureg(solution.field_units).units # The units we want to convert to if units is None: units = old_units if isinstance(units, str): units = device.ureg(units).units fields = solution.field_at_position( positions, zs=zs, vector=vector, units=units, with_units=False, ) if fields.ndim == 1: fields = fields[:, np.newaxis] if vector: num_subplots = 3 else: num_subplots = 1 fig, axes = auto_grid(num_subplots, **kwargs) if not isinstance(axes, (list, np.ndarray)): axes = [axes] x, y, *_ = positions.T xs = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), grid_shape[1]) ys = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), grid_shape[0]) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) # Shape grid_shape or (grid_shape + (3, )) fields = interpolate.griddata( positions[:, :2], fields, (xgrid, ygrid), method=grid_method, ) clabels = [f"{label} [${units:~L}$]" for label in ["$H_x$ ", "$H_y$ ", "$H_z$ "]] if "[mass]" in units.dimensionality: # We want flux density, B = mu0 * H clabels = ["$\\mu_0$" + clabel for clabel in clabels] if not vector: clabels = clabels[-1:] fields_dict = {label: fields[:, :, i] for i, label in enumerate(clabels)} clim_dict = setup_color_limits( fields_dict, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, share_color_scale=share_color_scale, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, ) for ax, label in zip(fig.axes, clabels): field = fields_dict[label] layer_vmin, layer_vmax = clim_dict[label] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=layer_vmin, vmax=layer_vmax) im = ax.pcolormesh(xgrid, ygrid, field, shading="auto", cmap=cmap, norm=norm) ax.set_title(f"{label.split('[')[0].strip()}") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(xgrid.min(), xgrid.max()) ax.set_ylim(ygrid.min(), ygrid.max()) if cross_section_coords is not None: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("bottom", size="40%", pad="30%") coords, paths, cross_sections = cross_section( np.array([xgrid.ravel(), ygrid.ravel()]).T, field.ravel(), cross_section_coords=cross_section_coords, ) for i, (coord, path, cross) in enumerate( zip(coords, paths, cross_sections) ): color = f"C{i % 10}" ax.plot(*coord.T, "--", color=color, lw=2) ax.plot(*coord[0], "o", color=color) ax.plot(*coord[-1], "s", color=color) cax.plot(path, cross, color=color, lw=2) cax.plot(path[0], cross[0], "o", color=color) cax.plot(path[-1], cross[-1], "s", color=color) cax.grid(True) cax.set_xlabel(f"Distance along cut [${length_units:~L}$]") cax.set_ylabel(label) if colorbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(label) return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_order_parameter( solution: Solution, squared: bool = False, mag_cmap: str = "viridis", phase_cmap: str = "twilight_shifted", shading: str = "gouraud", **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Sequence[plt.Axes]]: """Plots the magnitude (or the magnitude squared) and phase of the complex order parameter, :math:`\\psi=|\\psi|e^{i\\theta}`. .. seealso: :meth:`tdgl.Solution.plot_order_parameter` Args: solution: The solution for which to plot the order parameter. squared: Whether to plot the magnitude squared, :math:`|\\psi|^2`. mag_cmap: Name of the colormap to use for the magnitude. phase_cmap: Name of the colormap to use for the phase. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. Returns: matplotlib Figure and an array of two Axes objects. """ kwargs.setdefault("figsize", (8, 3)) kwargs.setdefault("constrained_layout", True) device = solution.device psi = solution.tdgl_data.psi mag = np.abs(psi) psi_label = "$|\\psi|$" if squared: mag = mag**2 psi_label = "$|\\psi|^2$" phase = np.angle(psi) / np.pi points = device.points triangles = device.triangles fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, **kwargs) im = axes[0].tripcolor( points[:, 0], points[:, 1], mag, triangles=triangles, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap=mag_cmap, shading=shading, ) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes[0]) cbar.set_label(psi_label) im = axes[1].tripcolor( points[:, 0], points[:, 1], phase, triangles=triangles, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=phase_cmap, shading=shading, ) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes[1]) cbar.set_label("$\\theta / \\pi$") length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units for ax in axes: ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_vorticity( solution: Solution, ax: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None, cmap: str = "coolwarm", units: Union[str, None] = None, auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, symmetric_color_scale: bool = True, vmin: Union[float, None] = None, vmax: Union[float, None] = None, shading: str = "gouraud", **kwargs, ): """Plots the vorticity in the film: :math:`\\mathbf{\\omega}=\\mathbf{\\nabla}\\times\\mathbf{K}`. .. seealso: :meth:`tdgl.Solution.plot_vorticity` Args: solution: The solution for which to plot the vorticity. ax: Matplotlib axes on which to plot. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. units: The units in which to plot the vorticity. Must have dimensions of [current] / [length]^2. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for :func:`tdgl.solution.plot_solution.auto_range_iqr`. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum. vmax: Color scale maximum. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. Returns: matplotlib Figure and and Axes. """ if ax is None: kwargs.setdefault("constrained_layout", True) fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.set_aspect("equal") device = solution.device points = device.points triangles = device.triangles length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units if units is None: units = solution.vorticity.units else: units = device.ureg(units) v = clim = setup_color_limits( {"v": v}, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, )["v"] vmin, vmax = clim norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) x, y = points[:, 0], points[:, 1] im = ax.tripcolor( x, y, v, triangles=triangles, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading=shading, ) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) ax.set_title("$\\vec{\\omega}=\\vec{\\nabla}\\times\\vec{K}$") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") cbar.set_label(f"$\\vec{{\\omega}}\\cdot\\hat{{z}}$ [${units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max()) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_scalar_potential( solution: Solution, ax: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None, cmap: str = "magma", auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, vmin: Union[float, None] = None, vmax: Union[float, None] = None, shading: str = "gouraud", **kwargs, ): """Plots the scalar potential :math:`\\mu(\\mathbf{r})` in the film. .. seealso: :meth:`tdgl.Solution.plot_scalar_potential` Args: solution: The solution for which to plot the scalar potential. ax: Matplotlib axes on which to plot. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for :func:`tdgl.solution.plot_solution.auto_range_iqr`. vmin: Color scale minimum. vmax: Color scale maximum. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. Returns: matplotlib Figure and and Axes. """ if ax is None: kwargs.setdefault("constrained_layout", True) fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.set_aspect("equal") device = solution.device points = device.points triangles = device.triangles length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units mu = mu = mu - np.nanmin(mu) clim = setup_color_limits( {"mu": mu}, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, )["mu"] vmin, vmax = clim norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) x, y = points[:, 0], points[:, 1] im = ax.tripcolor( x, y, mu, triangles=triangles, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading=shading, ) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) ax.set_title("$\\mu/v_0$") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") cbar.set_label("$\\mu/v_0$") ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max()) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_current_through_paths( solution_path: str, paths: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]], dataset: Optional[str] = None, interp_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear", units: Optional[str] = None, progress_bar: bool = True, grid: bool = True, labels: bool = True, legend: bool = True, **figure_kwargs, ) -> Tuple[ Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes], Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]] ]: """Plots the current through one or more paths for each saved time step. Args: solution_path: Path to the solution HDF5 file. paths: A list of ``(n, 2)`` arrays of ``(x, y)`` coordinates defining the paths. A single ``(n, 2)`` array is also allowed. dataset: ``None``, ``"supercurrent"``, or ``"normal_current"``. ``None`` indicates the total current. interp_method: Interpolation method: either "linear" or "cubic". units: The current units to return. with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` with units attached. progress_bar: Whether to display a progress bar. grid: Whether to add grid lines to the plot. labels: Whether to include axis labels. legend: Whether to include a legend. Returns: ``(fig, ax), (times, currents)``, where ``currents`` is a list of arrays of the time-dependent current through each path. If ``paths`` is given as a single array, ``currents`` will be returned as a single array. """ times, currents = get_current_through_paths( solution_path, paths, dataset=dataset, interp_method=interp_method, units=units, with_units=True, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) if isinstance(paths, np.ndarray): currents = [currents] current_units = currents[0].units label = { "supercurrent": "Supercurrent", "normal_current": "Normal current", None: "Total current", }[dataset] fig, ax = plt.subplots(**figure_kwargs) ax.grid(grid) for i, current in enumerate(currents): ax.plot(times, current.magnitude, label=f"Path {i}") if labels: ax.set_ylabel(f"{label} [${current_units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlabel("Time, $t$ [$\\tau_0$]") if legend: ax.legend(loc=0) return (fig, ax), (times, currents)
def _patch_docstring(func): other_func = getattr(Solution, func.__name__) other_func.__doc__ = ( other_func.__doc__ + "\n\n" + "\n".join( [line for line in func.__doc__.split("\n ") if "solution:" not in line] ) ) annotations = func.__annotations__.copy() _ = annotations.pop("solution", None) other_func.__annotations__.update(annotations) for func in ( plot_currents, plot_field_at_positions, plot_order_parameter, plot_scalar_potential, plot_vorticity, ): _patch_docstring(func)