import dataclasses
import logging
import numbers
import operator
import os
import shutil
from contextlib import nullcontext
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Literal, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
import cloudpickle
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
import numpy as np
import pint
from scipy import interpolate
from .. import distance
from ..about import version_dict
from ..device.device import Device
from ..device.polygon import Polygon
from ..em import biot_savart_2d, convert_field
from ..finite_volume.operators import build_gradient
from ..fluxoid import Fluxoid
from ..geometry import path_vectors
from ..parameter import Parameter
from ..solver.runner import SolverOptions
from .data import DynamicsData, TDGLData, get_data_range, get_edge_quantity_data
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class BiotSavartField(NamedTuple):
"""The magnetic field due to a current distribution, with the field due to the
supercurrent and normal current labeled separately.
supercurrent: An array of fields due to the supercurrent.
normal_current: An array of fields due to the normal current.
supercurrent: np.ndarray
normal_current: np.ndarray
class BoundaryPhases(NamedTuple):
"""A container for the phase of the order parameter along a polygon boundary.
indices: The mesh vertex indices of the boundary.
phase: The phase of the order parameter at each vertex on the boundary.
indices: np.ndarray
phases: np.ndarray
[docs]class Solution:
"""A container for the results of a TDGL simulation.
device: The :class:`tdgl.Device` that was solved
options: A :class:`tdgl.SolverOptions` instance.
path: Path to the HDF5 file containing the raw output data.
applied_vector_potential: The ``Parameter`` defining the applied vector potential.
terminal_currents: A dict of ``{terminal_name: current}`` or a callable with signature
``func(time) -> {terminal_name: current}``, where ``current`` is a float
in units of ``current_units``.
disorder_epsilon: The disorder parameter :math:`\\epsilon`. If
:math:`\\epsilon(\\mathbf{r}) < 1` weakens the order parameter at position
:math:`\\mathbf{r}`, which can be used to model inhomogeneity.
total_seconds: The total wall time in seconds.
def __init__(
device: Device,
options: SolverOptions,
path: str,
applied_vector_potential: Parameter,
terminal_currents: Union[Dict[str, float], Callable],
disorder_epsilon: Union[float, Callable],
total_seconds: float,
_solve_step: int = -1,
self.device = device.copy()
self.device.mesh = device.mesh
self.options = options
self.path = path
self.applied_vector_potential = applied_vector_potential
self.terminal_currents = terminal_currents
self.disorder_epsilon = disorder_epsilon
self.data_range: Union[Tuple[int, int], None] = None
"""A tuple of ``(min_step, max_step)``."""
self.supercurrent_density: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
"""Sheet supercurrent density, :math:`\\mathbf{K}_s`"""
self.normal_current_density: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
"""Sheet normal density, :math:`\\mathbf{K}_n`"""
self._vorticity: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
# Make field_units and current_units "read-only" attributes.
# The should never be changed after instantiation.
self._field_units = str(self.options.field_units)
self._current_units = str(self.options.current_units)
self._time_created =
self.total_seconds = total_seconds
self.tdgl_data: Union[TDGLData, None] = None
"""A container for the raw TDGL data (in dimensionless units)."""
self.dynamics: Union[DynamicsData, None] = None
"""A container for the time dynamics of the solution (in dimensionless units)."""
self._solve_step = _solve_step
self._version_info = version_dict()
def saved_on_disk(self) -> bool:
"""Returns ``True`` if the underlying HDF5 file exists on disk."""
return os.path.exists(self.path)
def solve_step(self) -> int:
"""The solver iteration corresponding to the current
Setting ``solve_step`` automatically loads data for the specitied step.
return self._solve_step
def solve_step(self, step: int) -> None:
def times(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
"""The time associated with each solve step."""
if self.dynamics is None:
return None
times = self.dynamics.time
step = self.options.save_every
saved_times = times[::step]
if saved_times[-1] == times[-1]:
return saved_times.copy()
# Append the final time step in the simulation, which is always saved.
return np.concatenate([saved_times, times[-1:]])
[docs] def closest_solve_step(self, time: float) -> int:
"""Returns the index of the saved step closest in time to ``time``.
time: The time for which to find the closest index.
The index of the saved solve step whose time is closest to ``time``
return np.argmin(np.abs(self.times - time))
[docs] def load_tdgl_data(
self, solve_step: int = -1, h5file: Union[h5py.File, None] = None
) -> None:
"""Loads the TDGL results from file for a given solve step.
solve_step: The step index for which to load data.
Defaults to -1, i.e. the final step.
if h5file is None:
read_context = h5py.File(self.path, "r")
read_context = nullcontext(h5file)
with read_context as f:
self.data_range = step_min, step_max = get_data_range(f)
if solve_step == 0:
step = step_min
elif solve_step < 0:
step = step_max + 1 + solve_step
step = solve_step
self.tdgl_data = TDGLData.from_hdf5(f, step)
self.dynamics = DynamicsData.from_hdf5(f, *self.data_range)
mesh = self.device.mesh
self._solve_step = step
supercurrent, sc_direc, _ = get_edge_quantity_data(
self.tdgl_data.supercurrent, mesh
normal_current, nc_direc, _ = get_edge_quantity_data(
self.tdgl_data.normal_current, mesh
K0 ="{self.current_units} / {self.device.length_units}")
# Current density, evaluated on the mesh edges.
self.supercurrent_density = K0 * supercurrent[:, np.newaxis] * sc_direc
self.normal_current_density = K0 * normal_current[:, np.newaxis] * nc_direc
self._vorticity = None
def _compute_vorticity(self) -> None:
device = self.device
mesh = device.mesh
# Calculate the vorticity, evaluated on mesh sites.
# The vorticity is the curl of the current density.
j_sc_site = mesh.get_quantity_on_site(self.tdgl_data.supercurrent)
j_nm_site = mesh.get_quantity_on_site(self.tdgl_data.normal_current)
j_site = j_sc_site + j_nm_site
gradient = build_gradient(mesh)
normalized_directions = mesh.edge_mesh.normalized_directions
grad_jx = gradient @ j_site[:, 0]
grad_jy = gradient @ j_site[:, 1]
djy_dx = grad_jy * normalized_directions[:, 0]
djx_dy = grad_jx * normalized_directions[:, 1]
vorticity_on_edges = djy_dx - djx_dy
vorticity = mesh.get_quantity_on_site(vorticity_on_edges, vector=False)
scale = (device.K0 / device.coherence_length).to(
f"{self.current_units} / {self.device.length_units}**2"
self._vorticity = vorticity * scale
def vorticity(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
"""The current vorticity,
if self.supercurrent_density is None:
return None
if self._vorticity is None:
return self._vorticity
def current_density(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""The total sheet current density,
if self.supercurrent_density is None:
return None
return self.supercurrent_density + self.normal_current_density
def field_units(self) -> str:
"""The units in which magnetic fields are specified."""
return self._field_units
def current_units(self) -> str:
"""The units in which currents are specified."""
return self._current_units
def time_created(self) -> datetime:
"""The time at which the solution was originally created."""
return self._time_created
def version_info(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""A dictionary of dependency versions."""
return self._version_info
[docs] def magnetic_moment(
self, units: Union[str, None] = None, with_units: bool = True
) -> Union[float, pint.Quantity]:
"""Computes the :math:`z`-component of the magnetic dipole moment of the film.
.. math::
m_z = \\hat{z}\\cdot\\frac{1}{2}
where :math:`\\mathbf{r}` is the position in the film relative to the film center of mass.
units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to
``self.current_units * self.device.length_units ** 2``.
with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` with units attached.
The magnetic dipole moment of the film as either a float or a pint.Quantity
device = self.device
mesh = device.mesh
xi = device.coherence_length
sites = xi * (mesh.sites - np.atleast_2d(mesh.center_of_mass))
areas = mesh.areas * xi**2
K = self.current_density
units = units or f"{self.current_units} * {device.length_units}**2"
m = np.sum(0.5 * np.cross(sites, K) * areas).to(units)
if not with_units:
m = m.magnitude
return m
[docs] def grid_current_density(
dataset: Union[str, None] = None,
grid_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = (200, 200),
method: str = "linear",
units: Union[str, None] = None,
with_units: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Interpolates the sheet current density to a rectangular grid.
Keyword arguments are passed to :func:`scipy.interpolate.griddata`.
.. seealso::
dataset: The dataset to interpolate. One of ``"supercurrent"``,
``"normal_current"``, or ``None``. If ``None``, then the total
sheet current density is used.
grid_shape: Shape of the desired rectangular grid. If a single integer
N is given, then the grid will be square, shape = (N, N).
method: Interpolation method to use (see :func:`scipy.interpolate.griddata`).
units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to
``self.current_units / self.device.length_units``.
with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` array
with units attached.
x grid, y grid, interpolated current density
if dataset is None:
J = self.current_density
elif dataset == "supercurrent":
J = self.supercurrent_density
elif dataset == "normal_current":
J = self.normal_current_density
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected dataset: {dataset}.")
units = units or f"{self.current_units} / {self.device.length_units}"
J =
if isinstance(grid_shape, int):
grid_shape = (grid_shape, grid_shape)
points = self.device.points
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), grid_shape[1]),
np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), grid_shape[0]),
Jx = interpolate.griddata(
points, J[:, 0].magnitude, (xgrid, ygrid), method=method, **kwargs
Jy = interpolate.griddata(
points, J[:, 1].magnitude, (xgrid, ygrid), method=method, **kwargs
xy = np.array([xgrid.ravel(), ygrid.ravel()]).T
hole_mask = np.logical_or.reduce(
[hole.contains_points(xy) for hole in self.device.holes]
Jx[hole_mask] = 0
Jy[hole_mask] = 0
Jgrid = np.array([Jx.reshape(grid_shape), Jy.reshape(grid_shape)])
if with_units:
length_units = self.device.ureg(self.device.length_units)
xgrid = xgrid * length_units
ygrid = ygrid * length_units
Jgrid = (Jgrid * J.units).to(units)
return xgrid, ygrid, Jgrid
[docs] def interp_current_density(
positions: np.ndarray,
dataset: Union[str, None] = None,
method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
units: Union[str, None] = None,
with_units: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Interpolates the sheet current density at unstructured coordinates.
.. seealso::
positions: Shape ``(m, 2)`` array of x, y coordinates at which to evaluate
the current density.
dataset: The dataset to interpolate. One of ``"supercurrent"``,
``"normal_current"``, or ``None``. If ``None``, then the total
sheet current density is used.
method: Interpolation method to use, ``"linear"`` or ``"cubic"``.
units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to
``self.current_units / self.device.length_units``.
with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` array
with units attached.
The interpolated current density as an array of floats
or a :class:`pint.Quantity` array.
if dataset is None:
J = self.current_density
elif dataset == "supercurrent":
J = self.supercurrent_density
elif dataset == "normal_current":
J = self.normal_current_density
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected dataset: {dataset}.")
if units is None:
units = f"{self.current_units} / {self.device.length_units}"
valid_methods = ("linear", "cubic")
if method not in valid_methods:
raise ValueError(
f"Interpolation method must be one of {valid_methods} (got {method})."
interp_type = {
"linear": mtri.LinearTriInterpolator,
"cubic": mtri.CubicTriInterpolator,
positions = np.atleast_2d(positions)
J =
tri = self.device.triangulation
Jx_interp = interp_type(tri, J[:, 0])
Jy_interp = interp_type(tri, J[:, 1])
Jx = Jx_interp(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]).data
Jy = Jy_interp(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]).data
J = np.array([Jx, Jy]).T
J[~np.isfinite(J).all(axis=1)] = 0
J[~self.device.contains_points(positions)] = 0
if with_units:
J = J * self.device.ureg(units)
return J
[docs] def interp_order_parameter(
positions: np.ndarray,
method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Interpolates the order parameter at unstructured coordinates.
positions: Shape ``(m, 2)`` array of x, y coordinates at which to evaluate
the order parameter.
method: Interpolation method to use, ``"linear"`` or ``"cubic"``.
The interpolated order parameter.
valid_methods = ("linear", "cubic")
if method not in valid_methods:
raise ValueError(
f"Interpolation method must be one of {valid_methods} (got {method})."
interp_type = {
"linear": mtri.LinearTriInterpolator,
"cubic": mtri.CubicTriInterpolator,
positions = np.atleast_2d(positions)
tri = self.device.triangulation
psi = self.tdgl_data.psi
psi_interp_real = interp_type(tri, psi.real)
psi_interp_imag = interp_type(tri, psi.imag)
psi_real = psi_interp_real(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]).data
psi_imag = psi_interp_imag(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]).data
return psi_real + 1j * psi_imag
[docs] def polygon_fluxoid(
polygon_points: Union[np.ndarray, Polygon],
interp_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
units: str = "Phi_0",
with_units: bool = True,
) -> Fluxoid:
"""Computes the :class:`tdgl.Fluxoid` (flux + supercurrent) for
a given polygonal region.
The fluxoid for a closed region :math:`S` with boundary :math:`\\partial S`
is defined as:
.. math::
\\Phi^f_S &= \\Phi^f_{S,\\text{ flux}} + \\Phi^f_{S,\\text{ supercurrent}}
\\\\&=\\int_S \\mu_0 H_z(\\mathbf{r})\\,\\mathrm{d}^2r +
\\oint_{\\partial S}
\\\\&=\\oint_{\\partial S} \\mathbf{A}(\\mathbf{r})\\cdot\\mathrm{d}\\mathbf{r} +
\\oint_{\\partial S}
.. seealso::
:class:`tdgl.Fluxoid`, :func:`tdgl.make_fluxoid_polygons`
polygon_points: A shape ``(n, 2)`` array of ``(x, y)`` coordinates of
polygon vertices defining the closed region :math:`S`.
interp_method: Interpolation method to use, ``"linear"`` or ``"cubic"``.
units: The desired units for the fluxoid.
with_units: Whether to return values as :class:`pint.Quantity` instances
with units attached.
The polygon's :class:`Fluxoid`.
device = self.device
ureg = device.ureg
if units is None:
units = f"{self.field_units} * {self.device.length_units} ** 2"
polygon = Polygon(points=polygon_points)
points = polygon.points
if not
raise ValueError(
"The polygon must lie completely within the superconducting film."
# Evaluate the supercurrent density at the polygon coordinates.
J_units = f"{self.current_units} / {device.length_units}"
J_poly = self.interp_current_density(
zs = device.layer.z0 * np.ones(len(points))
dl = np.diff(points, axis=0, prepend=points[:1]) * ureg(device.length_units)
A_units = f"{self.field_units} * {device.length_units}"
A_poly = self.vector_potential_at_position(
)[:, :2]
# Compute the flux part of the fluxoid:
# \oint_{\\partial poly} \vec{A}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{r}
int_A = np.trapz((A_poly * dl).sum(axis=1))
flux_part =
# Compute the supercurrent part of the fluxoid:
# \oint_{poly}\Lambda\vec{J}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{r}
Lambda = device.layer.Lambda
psi_poly = self.interp_order_parameter(points, method=interp_method)
ns = np.abs(psi_poly) ** 2
Lambda = Lambda / ns * ureg(device.length_units)
int_J = np.trapz((Lambda[:, np.newaxis] * J_poly * dl).sum(axis=1))
supercurrent_part = (ureg("mu_0") * int_J).to(units)
if not with_units:
flux_part = flux_part.magnitude
supercurrent_part = supercurrent_part.magnitude
return Fluxoid(flux_part, supercurrent_part)
[docs] def hole_fluxoid(
hole_name: str,
points: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None,
interp_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
units: str = "Phi_0",
with_units: bool = True,
) -> Fluxoid:
"""Calculcates the fluxoid for a polygon enclosing the specified hole.
.. seealso::
:meth:`tdgl.Solution.polygon_fluxoid`, :meth:`tdgl.Solution.boundary_phases`
hole_name: The name of the hole for which to calculate the fluxoid.
points: The vertices of the polygon enclosing the hole. If None is given,
a polygon is generated using
interp_method: Interpolation method to use, ``"linear"`` or ``"cubic"``.
units: The desired units for the fluxoid.
with_units: Whether to return values as :class:`pint.Quantity` instances
with units attached.
The hole's :class:`tdgl.Fluxoid`.
if points is None:
from ..fluxoid import make_fluxoid_polygons
points = make_fluxoid_polygons(self.device, holes=hole_name)[hole_name]
hole = { hole for hole in self.device.holes}[hole_name]
if not Polygon(points=points).contains_points(hole.points).all():
raise ValueError(
f"Hole {hole_name} is not completely enclosed by the given polygon."
return self.polygon_fluxoid(
[docs] def boundary_phases(
self, delta: bool = False
) -> Dict[str, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
"""Returns a dict of ``{polygon_name: (boundary_indices, boundary_phases)}``.
``(boundary_phases[-1] - boundary_phases[0]) / (2 * np.pi)`` gives the winding
number for the polygon, i.e., the fluxoid in units of ``Phi_0``.
.. seealso::
delta: If True, ``boundary_phases[0]`` will be subtracted for each polygon.
``{polygon_name: (boundary_indices, boundary_phases)}``
device = self.device
boundary_indices = device.boundary_sites()
psi = self.tdgl_data.psi
theta = np.angle(psi)
phases = {}
for name, indices in boundary_indices.items():
phase = np.unwrap(theta[indices])
if delta:
phase -= phase[0]
phases[name] = BoundaryPhases(indices, phase)
return phases
[docs] def current_through_path(
path_coords: np.ndarray,
dataset: Union[str, None] = None,
method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear",
units: Union[str, None] = None,
with_units: bool = True,
) -> Union[float, pint.Quantity]:
"""Calculates the total current crossing a given path.
path_coords: An ``(n, 2)`` array of ``(x, y)`` coordinates defining
the path.
dataset: ``None``, ``"supercurrent"``, or ``"normal_current"``.
``None`` indicates the total current.
method: Interpolation method: either "linear" or "cubic".
units: The current units to return.
with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` with units attached.
The total current crossing the path as either a float or a
device = self.device
if units is None:
units = self.current_units
J = self.interp_current_density(
# The center of each edge in the path
edge_positions = (path_coords[:-1] + path_coords[1:]) / 2
# Evaluate the supercurrent at the edge centers
J_edge = (J[:-1] + J[1:]) / 2
edge_lengths, unit_normals = path_vectors(path_coords)
edge_lengths = edge_lengths * device.ureg(device.length_units)
J_dot_n = (J_edge * unit_normals).sum(axis=1)
# Exclude points that are not inside the device.
in_device = self.device.contains_points(edge_positions)
total_current = np.trapz((J_dot_n * edge_lengths)[in_device]).to(units)
if not with_units:
total_current = total_current.magnitude
return total_current
[docs] def field_at_position(
positions: np.ndarray,
zs: Optional[Union[float, np.ndarray]] = None,
vector: bool = False,
units: Optional[str] = None,
with_units: bool = True,
return_sum: bool = True,
) -> Union[BiotSavartField, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculates the field due to currents in the device at any point(s) in space.
.. seealso::
positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array
of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the magnetic field.
A single sequence like [x, y] or [x, y, z] is also allowed.
zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the field. If positions has shape
(m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then
the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane.
If zs is any array, then it must be same length as positions.
vector: Whether to return the full vector magnetic field
or just the z component.
units: Units to which to convert the fields (can be either magnetic field H
or magnetic flux density B = mu0 * H). If not given, then the fields
are returned in units of ``self.field_units``.
with_units: Whether to return the fields as ``pint.Quantity``
with units attached.
return_sum: If ``False``, this method will return a :class:`tdgl.BiotSavartField`
instance, where the field from the supercurrent and normal current
are identified separately.
An np.ndarray if ``return_sum`` is ``True``, otherwise an instance of
:class:`tdgl.BiotSavartField`. If ``with_units`` is ``True``, then the
array(s) will be of type :class:`pint.Quantity`. The array(s) will have
shape ``(m, )`` if vector is False, or shape ``(m, 3)`` if ``vector`` is True.
device = self.device
ureg = device.ureg
points = device.points
units = units or self.field_units
# In case something like a list [x, y] or [x, y, z] is given
positions = np.atleast_2d(positions)
# If positions includes z coordinates, peel those off here
if positions.shape[1] == 3:
if zs is not None:
raise ValueError(
"If positions has shape (m, 3) then zs cannot be specified."
zs = positions[:, 2]
positions = positions[:, :2]
elif isinstance(zs, numbers.Real):
# constant zs
zs = zs * np.ones(len(positions))
zs = zs.squeeze()
if not isinstance(zs, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError(f"Expected zs to be an ndarray, but got {type(zs)}.")
weights = device.mesh.areas * device.coherence_length.magnitude**2
# Compute the fields at the specified positions from the currents in each layer
layer = self.device.layer
if np.all((zs - layer.z0) == 0):
raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate fields within a film.")
fields = []
for name in ("supercurrent_density", "normal_current_density"):
J = (
getattr(self, name)
.to(f"{self.current_units} / {device.length_units}")
H = biot_savart_2d(
positions[:, 0],
positions[:, 1],
field = convert_field(
fields = BiotSavartField(*fields)
if return_sum:
return sum(fields)
return fields
[docs] def vector_potential_at_position(
positions: np.ndarray,
zs: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None,
units: Union[str, None] = None,
with_units: bool = True,
return_sum: bool = True,
) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Calculates the vector potential due to currents in the device at any
point(s) in space, plus the applied vector potential.
The vector potential :math:`\\mathbf{A}` at position :math:`\\mathbf{r}`
due to sheet current density :math:`\\mathbf{K}(\\mathbf{r}')` flowing in a film
with lateral geometry :math:`S` is:
.. math::
\\mathbf{A}(\\mathbf{r}) = \\frac{\\mu_0}{4\\pi}
positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array
of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the vector potential.
A single list like [x, y] or [x, y, z] is also allowed.
zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the potential. If positions has shape
(m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then
the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane.
If zs is any array, then it must be same length as positions.
units: Units to which to convert the vector potential.
with_units: Whether to return the vector potential as a ``pint.Quantity``
with units attached.
return_sum: Whether to return the total potential or a dict with keys
``("applied", "supercurrent", "normal_current")``.
An np.ndarray if ``return_sum`` is ``True``, otherwise a dict of
``{source: potential_from_source}``. If ``with_units`` is ``True``, then
the array(s) will be of type :class:`pint.Quantity`.
``potential_from_source`` will have shape ``(m, 3)``.
device = self.device
ureg = device.ureg
points = device.points
areas = device.mesh.areas * device.coherence_length.magnitude**2
units = units or f"{self.field_units} * {device.length_units}"
# In case something like a list [x, y] or [x, y, z] is given
positions = np.atleast_2d(positions)
# If positions includes z coordinates, peel those off here
if positions.shape[1] == 3:
if zs is not None:
raise ValueError(
"If positions has shape (m, 3) then zs cannot be specified."
zs = positions[:, 2]
positions = positions[:, :2]
elif isinstance(zs, numbers.Real):
# constant zs
zs = zs * np.ones(len(positions))
if not isinstance(zs, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError(f"Expected zs to be an ndarray, but got {type(zs)}.")
if zs.ndim == 1:
# We need zs to be shape (m, 1)
zs = zs[:, np.newaxis]
rho2 = distance.cdist(positions, points, metric="sqeuclidean")
layer = device.layer
vector_potentials = {}
A_kwargs = {}
if self.applied_vector_potential.time_dependent:
A_kwargs["t"] = self.times[self.solve_step]
applied = self.applied_vector_potential(
positions[:, 0],
positions[:, 1],
if applied.shape[1] == 2:
applied = A = np.concatenate(
[applied, np.zeros_like(applied[:, :1])], axis=1
applied = (applied * ureg(f"{self.field_units} * {device.length_units}")).to(
if not with_units:
applied = applied.magnitude
vector_potentials["applied"] = applied
dz = zs - layer.z0
# rho has units of [length] and
# shape = (postitions.shape[0], device.points.shape[0], 1)
rho = np.sqrt(rho2 + dz**2)[:, :, np.newaxis]
J_units = f"{self.current_units} / {device.length_units}"
for name in ("supercurrent_density", "normal_current_density"):
# J has units of [current / length], shape = (device.points.shape[0], 2)
J = getattr(self, name).to(J_units).magnitude
Axy = np.einsum("ijk, j -> ik", J / rho, areas)
# z-component is zero because currents are parallel to the x-y plane.
A = np.concatenate([Axy, np.zeros_like(Axy[:, :1])], axis=1)
A = A * ureg(self.current_units)
A = (ureg("mu_0") / (4 * np.pi) * A).to(units)
if not with_units:
A = A.magnitude
vector_potentials[name] = A
if return_sum:
return sum(vector_potentials.values())
return vector_potentials
def _save_to_hdf5_file(
h5file: Union[h5py.File, str],
save_tdgl_data: bool = False,
save_mesh: bool = True,
) -> None:
def serialize_func(func, name, h5group):
h5group.attrs[name] = func
except TypeError:
# Unsupported dtype - just pickle it.
h5group[f"{name}.pickle"] = np.void(cloudpickle.dumps(func))
if isinstance(h5file, str):
mode = "x" if save_tdgl_data else "r+"
save_context = h5py.File(h5file, mode)
save_context = nullcontext(h5file)
with save_context as f:
if "mesh" in f:
del f["mesh"]
data_grp = f.require_group("data")
if save_tdgl_data:
if "solution" in f:
del f["solution"]
group = f.create_group("solution")
options_grp = group.create_group("options")
for k, v in dataclasses.asdict(self.options).items():
if k == "sparse_solver":
v = v.value
if v is not None:
options_grp.attrs[k] = v
group.attrs["time_created"] = self.time_created.isoformat()
group.attrs["current_units"] = self.current_units
group.attrs["field_units"] = self.field_units
group.attrs["total_seconds"] = self.total_seconds
self.device.to_hdf5(group.create_group("device"), save_mesh=save_mesh)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5path: Union[str, None] = None, save_mesh: bool = True) -> None:
"""Save the Solution to the existing output HDF5 file or to a new HDF5 file.
h5path: Path to an HDF5 file. If ``None`` is given, the
:class:`tdgl.Solution` will be saved to the existing HDF5 output file
located at ``self.path``.
save_mesh: Whether to save the Device's mesh.
if self.saved_on_disk:
if h5path is None:
self._save_to_hdf5_file(self.path, save_mesh=save_mesh)
shutil.copy(self.path, h5path)
self._save_to_hdf5_file(h5path, save_mesh=save_mesh)
if h5path is None:
raise ValueError(
"The solution HDF5 file does not exist "
"and a new HDF5 file was not given."
self._save_to_hdf5_file(h5path, save_tdgl_data=True, save_mesh=save_mesh)
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_hdf5(path: str, solve_step: int = -1) -> "Solution":
"""Loads a :class:`tdgl.Solution` from file.
path: Path to the HDF5 file containing a serialized :class:`tdgl.Solution`.
solve_step: The solve step to load.
The loaded Solution instance.
def deserialize_func(name, h5group):
if name in h5group.attrs:
return h5group.attrs[name]
if f"{name}.pickle" in h5group:
return cloudpickle.loads(np.void(grp[f"{name}.pickle"]).tobytes())
raise IOError(f"Unable to load {name}.")
with h5py.File(path, "r") as f:
grp = f["solution"]
options_kwargs = dict(grp["options"].attrs)
options = SolverOptions(**options_kwargs)
time_created = datetime.fromisoformat(grp.attrs["time_created"])
vector_potential = deserialize_func("applied_vector_potential", grp)
terminal_currents = deserialize_func("terminal_currents", grp)
disorder_epsilon = deserialize_func("disorder_epsilon", grp)
total_seconds = grp.attrs["total_seconds"]
device = Device.from_hdf5(grp["device"])
solution = Solution(
solution._time_created = time_created
return solution
[docs] def delete_hdf5(self) -> None:
"""Delete the HDF5 file accompanying the :class:`tdgl.Solution`."""
if self.saved_on_disk:
[docs] def equals(
other: Any,
require_same_timestamp: bool = False,
) -> bool:
"""Checks whether two solutions are equal.
other: The :class:`tdgl.Solution` to compare for equality.
require_same_timestamp: If True, two solutions are only considered
equal if they have the exact same time_created.
A boolean indicating whether the two solutions are equal
# First check things that are "easy" to check
if other is self:
return True
if not isinstance(other, Solution):
return False
def compare_callables(first, second):
if isinstance(first, Parameter):
return first == second
if callable(first):
if not callable(second):
return False
get_code = operator.attrgetter("co_code", "co_consts")
if get_code(first.__code__) != get_code(second.__code__):
return False
elif first != second:
return False
return True
if not (
(self.device == other.device)
and (self.options == other.options)
and (self.solve_step == other.solve_step)
and compare_callables(
self.applied_vector_potential, other.applied_vector_potential
and compare_callables(self.terminal_currents, other.terminal_currents)
and compare_callables(self.disorder_epsilon, other.disorder_epsilon)
and (self.tdgl_data == other.tdgl_data)
and (self.dynamics == other.dynamics)
return False
if require_same_timestamp and (self.time_created != other.time_created):
return False
return True
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self.equals(other, require_same_timestamp=True)
[docs] def plot_currents(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]:
"""An alias for :func:`tdgl.plot_currents`."""
from .plot_solution import plot_currents
return plot_currents(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_order_parameter(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]:
"""An alias for :func:`tdgl.plot_order_parameter`."""
from .plot_solution import plot_order_parameter
return plot_order_parameter(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_field_at_positions(
self, positions: np.ndarray, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]:
"""An alias for :func:`tdgl.plot_field_at_positions`."""
from .plot_solution import plot_field_at_positions
return plot_field_at_positions(self, positions, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_vorticity(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
"""An alias for :func:`tdgl.plot_vorticity`."""
from .plot_solution import plot_vorticity
return plot_vorticity(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_scalar_potential(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
"""An alias for :func:`tdgl.plot_scalar_potential`."""
from .plot_solution import plot_scalar_potential
return plot_scalar_potential(self, **kwargs)