from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union
class SolverOptionsError(ValueError):
[docs]class SparseSolver(Enum):
"""Supported sparse linear solvers."""
SUPERLU: str = "superlu"
UMFPACK: str = "umfpack"
PARDISO: str = "pardiso"
CUPY: str = "cupy"
class SolverOptions:
"""Options for the TDGL solver.
solve_time: Total simulation time, after any thermalization.
skip_time: Amount of 'thermalization' time to simulate before recording data.
dt_init: Initial time step.
dt_max: Maximum adaptive time step.
adaptive: Whether to use an adpative time step. Setting ``dt_init = dt_max``
is equivalent to setting ``adaptive = False``.
adaptive_window: Number of most recent solve steps to consider when
computing the time step adaptively.
max_solve_retries: The maximum number of times to reduce the time step in a
given solve iteration before giving up.
adaptive_time_step_multiplier: The factor by which to multiple the time
step ``dt`` for each adaptive solve retry.
terminal_psi: Fixed value for the order parameter in current terminals.
output_file: Path to an HDF5 file in which to save the data.
If the file name already exists, a unique name will be generated.
If ``output_file`` is ``None``, the solver results will not be saved
to disk.
gpu: Use the GPU via CuPy. This option requires a GPU and the
CuPy Python package, which can be installed via pip.
sparse_solver: One of ``"superlu"``, ``"umfpack"``, ``"pardiso"``, or ``"cupy"``.
``"umfpack"`` requires suitesparse, which can be installed via conda,
and scikit-umfpack, which can be installed via pip. ``"pardiso"``
requires an Intel CPU and the pypardiso package, which can be
installed via pip or conda. ``"cupy"`` requires a GPU and the
CuPy Python package, which can be installed via pip.
field_units: The units for magnetic fields.
current_units: The units for currents.
pause_on_interrupt: Pause the simulation in the event of a ``KeyboardInterrupt``.
save_every: Save interval in units of solve steps.
progress_interval: Minimum number of solve steps between progress bar updates.
monitor: Plot data in real time as the simulation is running.
monitor_update_interval: The monitor update interval in seconds.
include_screening: Whether to include screening in the simulation.
max_iterations_per_step: The maximum number of screening iterations per solve
screening_tolerance: Relative tolerance for the induced vector potential, used
to evaluate convergence of the screening calculation within a single time
screening_step_size: Step size :math:`\\alpha` for Polyak's method.
screening_step_drag: Drag parameter :math:`\\beta` for Polyak's method.
solve_time: float
skip_time: float = 0.0
dt_init: float = 1e-6
dt_max: float = 1e-1
adaptive: bool = True
adaptive_window: int = 10
max_solve_retries: int = 10
adaptive_time_step_multiplier: float = 0.25
output_file: Union[str, None] = None
terminal_psi: Union[float, complex, None] = 0.0
gpu: bool = False
sparse_solver: Union[SparseSolver, str] = SparseSolver.SUPERLU
pause_on_interrupt: bool = True
save_every: int = 100
progress_interval: int = 0
monitor: bool = False
monitor_update_interval: float = 1.0
field_units: str = "mT"
current_units: str = "uA"
include_screening: bool = False
max_iterations_per_step: int = 1000
screening_tolerance: float = 1e-3
screening_step_size: float = 0.1
screening_step_drag: float = 0.5
def validate(self) -> None:
if self.dt_init > self.dt_max:
raise SolverOptionsError("dt_init must be less than or equal to dt_max.")
if self.terminal_psi is not None and not (0 <= abs(self.terminal_psi) <= 1):
raise SolverOptionsError(
"terminal_psi must be None or have absolute value in [0, 1]"
f" (got {self.terminal_psi})."
if not (0 < self.adaptive_time_step_multiplier < 1):
raise SolverOptionsError(
"adaptive_time_step_multiplier must be in (0, 1)"
f" (got {self.adaptive_time_step_multiplier})."
if not (0 < self.screening_step_drag <= 1):
raise SolverOptionsError(
"screening_step_drag must be in (0, 1]"
f" (got {self.screening_step_drag})."
if self.screening_step_size <= 0:
raise SolverOptionsError(
"screening_step_size must be in > 0"
f" (got {self.screening_step_size})."
if self.screening_tolerance <= 0:
raise SolverOptionsError(
"screening_tolerance must be in > 0"
f" (got {self.screening_tolerance})."
if self.gpu:
import cupy # type: ignore # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
raise SolverOptionsError(
"GPU option requires a GPU and the CuPy Python package."
solver = self.sparse_solver
if isinstance(solver, str):
solver = SparseSolver[solver.upper()]
except KeyError:
valid_solvers = list(SparseSolver.__members__.keys())
if solver not in valid_solvers:
raise SolverOptionsError(
f"sparse solver must be one of {valid_solvers!r}, got {solver}."
self.sparse_solver = solver
if self.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.UMFPACK:
from scikits import umfpack # type: ignore # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
raise SolverOptionsError(
"SparseSolver.UMFPACK requires suitesparse and the"
" scikit-umfpack Python package."
if self.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.PARDISO:
import pypardiso # type: ignore # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
raise SolverOptionsError(
"SparseSolver.CUPY requires an Intel CPU"
" and the pypardiso Python package."
if self.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.CUPY:
if not self.gpu:
raise SolverOptionsError(
"SparseSolver.CUPY requires SolverOptions.gpu = True,"
" and therefore requires a GPU and the CuPy Python package."