import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import math
import numbers
import os
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import cupy # type: ignore
except ImportError:
cupy = None
import pypardiso # type: ignore
except ImportError:
pypardiso = None
from ..device.device import Device, TerminalInfo
from ..finite_volume.operators import MeshOperators
from ..parameter import Parameter
from ..solution.solution import Solution
from ..sources.constant import ConstantField
from .options import SolverOptions, SparseSolver
from .runner import DataHandler, Runner, RunningState
from .screening import get_A_induced_cupy, get_A_induced_numba
logger = logging.getLogger("solver")
def validate_terminal_currents(
terminal_currents: Union[Callable, Dict[str, float]],
terminal_info: Sequence[TerminalInfo],
solver_options: SolverOptions,
num_evals: int = 100,
) -> None:
"""Ensure that the terminal currents satisfy current conservation."""
def check_total_current(currents: Dict[str, float]):
names = set([ for t in terminal_info])
if unknown := set(currents).difference(names):
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown terminal(s) in terminal currents: {list(unknown)}."
total_current = sum(currents.values())
if total_current:
raise ValueError(
f"The sum of all terminal currents must be 0 (got {total_current:.2e})."
if callable(terminal_currents):
times = np.random.default_rng().random(num_evals) * solver_options.solve_time
for t in times:
class SolverResult(NamedTuple):
"""A container for the results of a single solve step.
dt: The time step size used for the solve step
psi: The order parameter
mu: The scalar potential
supercurrent: The supercurrent density
normal_current: The normal current density
A_induced: The induced vector potential
A_applied: The applied vector potential. This will be ``None`` in the case of
a time-independent vector potential.
epsilon: The disorder parameter, ``epsilon``. This will be ``None`` in the case of
a time-independent ``epsilon``.
dt: float
psi: np.ndarray
mu: np.ndarray
supercurrent: np.ndarray
normal_current: np.ndarray
A_induced: np.ndarray
A_applied: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
epsilon: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
[docs]class TDGLSolver:
"""Solver for a TDGL model.
An instance of :class:`tdgl.TDGLSolver` is created and executed
by calling :func:`tdgl.solve`.
device: The :class:`tdgl.Device` to solve.
options: An instance :class:`tdgl.SolverOptions` specifying the solver
applied_vector_potential: A function or :class:`tdgl.Parameter` that computes
the applied vector potential as a function of position ``(x, y, z)``,
or of position and time ``(x, y, z, *, t)``. If a float ``B`` is given,
the applied vector potential will be that of a uniform magnetic field with
strength ``B`` ``field_units``. If the applied vector potential is time-dependent,
this argument must be a :class:`tdgl.Parameter`.
terminal_currents: A dict of ``{terminal_name: current}`` or a callable with signature
``func(time: float) -> {terminal_name: current}``, where ``current`` is a float
in units of ``current_units`` and ``time`` is the dimensionless time.
disorder_epsilon: A float <= 1, or a function that returns
:math:`\\epsilon\\leq 1` as a function of position ``r=(x, y)`` or
position and time ``(x, y, *, t)``.
Setting :math:`\\epsilon(\\mathbf{r}, t)=T_c/T - 1 < 1` suppresses the
order parameter at position :math:`\\mathbf{r}=(x, y)`, which can be used
to model inhomogeneity.
seed_solution: A :class:`tdgl.Solution` instance to use as the initial state
for the simulation.
def __init__(
device: Device,
options: SolverOptions,
applied_vector_potential: Union[Callable, float] = 0.0,
terminal_currents: Union[Callable, Dict[str, float], None] = None,
disorder_epsilon: Union[Callable, float] = 1.0,
seed_solution: Optional[Solution] = None,
self.device = device
self.options = options
self.terminal_currents = terminal_currents
self.seed_solution = seed_solution
if self.options.gpu:
assert cupy is not None
self.xp = cupy
self.use_cupy = True
self.xp = np
self.use_cupy = False
mesh = self.device.mesh
ureg = self.device.ureg
self.probe_points = device.probe_point_indices
length_units = ureg(self.device.length_units)
field_units = options.field_units
current_units = options.current_units
edges = mesh.edge_mesh.edges
self.num_edges = len(edges)
normalized_directions = mesh.edge_mesh.normalized_directions
length_units = ureg(device.length_units)
xi = device.coherence_length.magnitude
self.u = device.layer.u
self.gamma = device.layer.gamma
K0 = device.K0
A0 = device.A0
Bc2 = device.Bc2
# The vector potential is evaluated on the mesh edges,
# where the edge coordinates are in dimensionful units.
self.sites = xi * mesh.sites
self.edge_centers = xi * mesh.edge_mesh.centers
self.z0 = device.layer.z0 * np.ones(len(self.edge_centers), dtype=float)
self.dynamic_vector_potential = (
isinstance(applied_vector_potential, Parameter)
and applied_vector_potential.time_dependent
if not callable(applied_vector_potential):
applied_vector_potential = ConstantField(
self.applied_vector_potential = applied_vector_potential
# Evaluate the vector potential
self.A_scale = (
(ureg(field_units) * length_units / (Bc2 * xi * length_units))
A_kwargs = dict(t=0) if self.dynamic_vector_potential else dict()
current_A_applied = self.applied_vector_potential(
self.edge_centers[:, 0], self.edge_centers[:, 1], self.z0, **A_kwargs
current_A_applied = self.A_scale * np.asarray(current_A_applied)[:, :2]
if current_A_applied.shape != self.edge_centers.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"Unexpected shape for vector_potential: {current_A_applied.shape}."
# Create the epsilon parameter, which sets the local critical temperature.
if callable(disorder_epsilon):
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(disorder_epsilon)
self.dynamic_epsilon = "t" in argspec.kwonlyargs
self.vectorized_epsilon = (
argspec.kwonlydefaults is not None
and argspec.kwonlydefaults.get("vectorized", False)
# epsilon constant as a function of both position and time
_disorder_epsilon = disorder_epsilon
def disorder_epsilon(r):
return _disorder_epsilon * np.ones(len(r), dtype=float)
self.vectorized_epsilon = True
self.dynamic_epsilon = False
self.disorder_epsilon = disorder_epsilon
kw = dict(t=0) if self.dynamic_epsilon else dict()
if self.vectorized_epsilon:
epsilon = disorder_epsilon(self.sites, **kw)
epsilon = np.array([float(disorder_epsilon(r, **kw)) for r in self.sites])
if np.any(epsilon > 1):
raise ValueError("The disorder parameter epsilon must be <= 1")
# Clear the Parameter caches
if isinstance(self.applied_vector_potential, Parameter):
if isinstance(self.disorder_epsilon, Parameter):
# Find the current terminal sites.
self.terminal_info = device.terminal_info()
self.terminal_names = [ for term in self.terminal_info]
for term_info in self.terminal_info:
if term_info.length == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Terminal {!r} does not contain any points"
" on the boundary of the mesh."
# Define the source-drain current.
if terminal_currents and device.probe_points is None:
"The terminal currents are non-null, but the device has no probe points."
terminal_names = [ for term in self.terminal_info]
if terminal_currents is None:
terminal_currents = {name: 0 for name in terminal_names}
if callable(terminal_currents):
current_func = terminal_currents
terminal_currents = {
name: terminal_currents.get(name, 0) for name in terminal_names
def current_func(t):
return terminal_currents
J_scale = 4 * ((ureg(current_units) / length_units) / K0).to_base_units()
assert J_scale.dimensionless, str(J_scale)
J_scale = J_scale.magnitude
self.current_func = lambda t: {
key: J_scale * value for key, value in current_func(t).items()
validate_terminal_currents(self.current_func, self.terminal_info, self.options)
terminal_indices = [t.site_indices for t in self.terminal_info]
if terminal_indices:
normal_boundary_index = np.concatenate(terminal_indices, dtype=np.int64)
normal_boundary_index = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
# Cache the terminal current densities at each time step.
# Only update the mu boundary conditions if the current has changed.
self.terminal_current_densities = {name: 0 for name in self.terminal_names}
# Construct finite-volume operators
terminal_psi = options.terminal_psi"Constructing finite volume operators.")
operators = MeshOperators(
fix_psi=(terminal_psi is not None),
self.operators = operators
if options.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.PARDISO:
assert self.operators.mu_laplacian_lu is None
assert pypardiso is not None
# Initialize the order parameter and electric potential
psi_init = np.ones(len(mesh.sites), dtype=np.complex128)
if terminal_psi is not None:
psi_init[normal_boundary_index] = terminal_psi
mu_init = np.zeros(len(mesh.sites))
mu_boundary = np.zeros_like(mesh.edge_mesh.boundary_edge_indices, dtype=float)
if self.use_cupy:
epsilon = cupy.asarray(epsilon)
mu_boundary = cupy.asarray(mu_boundary)
normalized_directions = cupy.asarray(normalized_directions)
current_A_applied = cupy.asarray(current_A_applied)
self.psi_init = psi_init
self.mu_init = mu_init
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.mu_boundary = mu_boundary
self.normalized_directions = normalized_directions
self.current_A_applied = current_A_applied
self.new_A_induced = None
self.areas = None
if options.include_screening:
A_scale = (ureg("mu_0") / (4 * np.pi) * K0 / A0).to(1 / length_units)
self.new_A_induced = np.empty((self.num_edges, 2), dtype=float)
self.areas = A_scale.magnitude * mesh.areas * xi**2
if self.use_cupy:
self.areas = cupy.asarray(self.areas)
self.edge_centers = cupy.asarray(self.edge_centers)
self.sites = cupy.asarray(self.sites)
self.new_A_induced = cupy.asarray(self.new_A_induced)
# Running list of the max abs change in |psi|^2 between subsequent solve steps.
# This list is used to calculate the adaptive time step.
self.d_psi_sq_vals = []
self.tentative_dt = options.dt_init
self.dt_max = options.dt_max if options.adaptive else options.dt_init
if options.monitor:
os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE"
[docs] def update_mu_boundary(self, time: float) -> None:
"""Computes the terminal current density for a given time step and
updates the scalar potential boundary conditions accordingly.
time: The current value of the dimensionless time.
# Compute the current density for this step
# and update the current boundary conditions.
currents = self.current_func(time)
terminal_current_densities = self.terminal_current_densities
for terminal in self.terminal_info:
current_density = (-1 / terminal.length) * sum(
currents.get(name, 0)
for name in self.terminal_names
if name !=
# Only update mu_boundary if the terminal current has changed
if current_density != terminal_current_densities[]:
terminal_current_densities[] = current_density
self.mu_boundary[terminal.boundary_edge_indices] = current_density
[docs] def update_applied_vector_potential(self, time: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluates the time-dependent vector potential.
time: The current value of the dimensionless time.
The new value of the applied vector potential.
A_applied = self.applied_vector_potential(
self.edge_centers[:, 0], self.edge_centers[:, 1], self.z0, t=time
A_applied = self.A_scale * A_applied[:, :2]
if self.use_cupy:
A_applied = cupy.asarray(A_applied)
return A_applied
[docs] def update_epsilon(self, time: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluates the time-dependent disorder parameter :math:`\\epsilon`.
time: The current value of the dimensionless time.
The new value of :math:`\\epsilon`
if self.vectorized_epsilon:
epsilon = self.disorder_epsilon(self.sites, t=time)
epsilon = np.array(
[float(self.disorder_epsilon(r, t=time)) for r in self.sites]
if self.use_cupy:
epsilon = cupy.asarray(epsilon)
return epsilon
[docs] @staticmethod
def solve_for_psi_squared(
psi: np.ndarray,
abs_sq_psi: np.ndarray,
mu: np.ndarray,
epsilon: np.ndarray,
gamma: float,
u: float,
dt: float,
psi_laplacian: sp.spmatrix,
) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]:
"""Solves for :math:`\\psi^{n+1}` and :math:`|\\psi^{n+1}|^2` given
:math:`\\psi^n` and :math:`\\mu^n`.
psi: The current value of the order parameter, :math:`\\psi^n`
abs_sq_psi: The current value of the superfluid density, :math:`|\\psi^n|^2`
mu: The current value of the electric potential, :math:`\\mu^n`
epsilon: The disorder parameter, :math:`\\epsilon`
gamma: The inelastic scattering parameter, :math:`\\gamma`.
u: The ratio of relaxation times for the order parameter, :math:`u`
dt: The time step
psi_laplacian: The covariant Laplacian for the order parameter
``None`` if the calculation failed to converge, otherwise the new order
parameter :math:`\\psi^{n+1}` and superfluid density :math:`|\\psi^{n+1}|^2`.
if isinstance(psi, np.ndarray):
xp = np
assert cupy is not None
assert isinstance(psi, cupy.ndarray)
xp = cupy
U = xp.exp(-1j * mu * dt)
z = U * gamma**2 / 2 * psi
with np.errstate(all="raise"):
w = z * abs_sq_psi + U * (
+ (dt / u)
* xp.sqrt(1 + gamma**2 * abs_sq_psi)
* ((epsilon - abs_sq_psi) * psi + psi_laplacian @ psi)
c = w.real * z.real + w.imag * z.imag
two_c_1 = 2 * c + 1
w2 = xp.absolute(w) ** 2
discriminant = two_c_1**2 - 4 * xp.absolute(z) ** 2 * w2
except Exception:
logger.warning("Unable to solve for |psi|^2.", exc_info=True)
return None
if xp.any(discriminant < 0):
return None
new_sq_psi = (2 * w2) / (two_c_1 + xp.sqrt(discriminant))
psi = w - z * new_sq_psi
return psi, new_sq_psi
[docs] def adaptive_euler_step(
step: int,
psi: np.ndarray,
abs_sq_psi: np.ndarray,
mu: np.ndarray,
epsilon: np.ndarray,
dt: float,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]:
"""Updates the order parameter and time step in an adaptive Euler step.
step: The solve step index, :math:`n`
psi: The current value of the order parameter, :math:`\\psi^n`
abs_sq_psi: The current value of the superfluid density, :math:`|\\psi^n|^2`
mu: The current value of the electric potential, :math:`\\mu^n`
epsilon: The disorder parameter :math:`\\epsilon^n`
dt: The tentative time step, which will be updated
:math:`\\psi^{n+1}`, :math:`|\\psi^{n+1}|^2`, and :math:`\\Delta t^{n}`.
options = self.options
kwargs = dict(
result = self.solve_for_psi_squared(**kwargs)
for retries in itertools.count():
if result is not None:
break # First evaluation of |psi|^2 was successful.
if not options.adaptive or retries > options.max_solve_retries:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Solver failed to converge in {options.max_solve_retries}"
f" retries at step {step} with dt = {dt:.2e}."
f" Try using a smaller dt_init."
kwargs["dt"] = dt = dt * options.adaptive_time_step_multiplier
result = self.solve_for_psi_squared(**kwargs)
psi, new_sq_psi = result
return psi, new_sq_psi, dt
[docs] def solve_for_observables(
self, psi: np.ndarray, dA_dt: Union[float, np.ndarray]
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Solves for the scalar potential :math:`\\mu`, the supercurrent density
:math:`\\mathbf{J}_s`, and the normal current density :math:`\\mathbf{J}_n`.
psi: The order parameter.
dA_dt: The time-derivative of the vector potential.
:math:`\\mu`, :math:`\\mathbf{J}_s`, and :math:`\\mathbf{J}_n`
use_cupy = self.use_cupy
options = self.options
use_cupy_solver = options.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.CUPY
operators = self.operators
# Compute the supercurrent, scalar potential, and normal current
supercurrent = operators.get_supercurrent(psi)
rhs = (operators.divergence @ (supercurrent - dA_dt)) - (
operators.mu_boundary_laplacian @ self.mu_boundary
if use_cupy and not use_cupy_solver:
rhs = cupy.asnumpy(rhs)
if self.options.sparse_solver is SparseSolver.PARDISO:
mu = pypardiso.spsolve(operators.mu_laplacian, rhs)
mu = operators.mu_laplacian_lu(rhs)
if use_cupy and not use_cupy_solver:
mu = cupy.asarray(mu)
normal_current = -(operators.mu_gradient @ mu) - dA_dt
return mu, supercurrent, normal_current
[docs] def get_induced_vector_potential(
current_density: np.ndarray,
A_induced_vals: List[np.ndarray],
velocity: List[np.ndarray],
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
"""Computes a new value of the induced vector potential based on Polyak's method.
current_density: The total current density :math:`\\mathbf{J}_s + \\mathbf{J}_n`
A_induced_vals: A running list of the induced vector potential for previous
iterations of Polyak's method.
velocity: A running list of the "velocities" for previous iterations of
Polyak's method.
A new value for the induced vector potential, and the relative error in the
induced vector potential between this iteration of Polyak's method and the
previous iteration.
xp = self.xp
use_cupy = self.use_cupy
options = self.options
mesh = self.device.mesh
alpha = options.screening_step_size
beta = options.screening_step_drag
# Evaluate the induced vector potential.
J_site = mesh.get_quantity_on_site(current_density, use_cupy=use_cupy)
areas = self.areas
sites = self.sites
edge_centers = self.edge_centers
if use_cupy:
threads_per_block = 512
num_blocks = math.ceil(self.num_edges / threads_per_block)
(threads_per_block, 2),
(J_site, areas, sites, edge_centers, self.new_A_induced),
get_A_induced_numba(J_site, areas, sites, edge_centers, self.new_A_induced)
new_A_induced = self.new_A_induced
# Update induced vector potential using Polyak's method
A_induced = A_induced_vals[-1]
dA = new_A_induced - A_induced
velocity.append((1 - beta) * velocity[-1] + alpha * dA)
A_induced = A_induced + velocity[-1]
if len(A_induced_vals) > 1:
numerator = xp.linalg.norm(dA, axis=1)
denominator = xp.linalg.norm(A_induced, axis=1)
# Avoid division by zero in the case of zero A_induced
denominator = xp.maximum(denominator, 1e-20, out=denominator)
screening_error = float(xp.max(numerator / denominator))
del velocity[:-2]
del A_induced_vals[:-2]
return A_induced, screening_error
[docs] def update(
state: Dict[str, numbers.Real],
running_state: RunningState,
dt: float,
psi: np.ndarray,
mu: np.ndarray,
supercurrent: np.ndarray,
normal_current: np.ndarray,
induced_vector_potential: np.ndarray,
applied_vector_potential: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
epsilon: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> SolverResult:
"""This method is called at each time step to update the state of the system.
state: The solver state, i.e., the solve step, time, and time step
running_state: A container for scalar data that is saved at each time step
dt: The time step for the previous solve step
psi: The order parameter
mu: The scalar potential
supercurrent: The supercurrent density
normal_current: The normal current density
induced_vector_potential: The induced vector potential
applied_vector_potential: The applied vector potential. This will be ``None``
in the case of a time-independent vector potential.
epsilon: The disorder parameter ``epsilon``. This will be ``None``
in the case of a time-independent ``epsilon``.
A :class:`tdgl.SolverResult` instance for the solve step.
xp = self.xp
options = self.options
operators = self.operators
step = state["step"]
time = state["time"]
A_induced = induced_vector_potential
prev_A_applied = A_applied = applied_vector_potential
# Update the scalar potential boundary conditions.
# Update the applied vector potential.
dA_dt = 0.0
current_A_applied = self.current_A_applied
if self.dynamic_vector_potential:
current_A_applied = self.update_applied_vector_potential(time)
dA_dt = xp.einsum(
"ij, ij -> i",
(current_A_applied - prev_A_applied) / dt,
if not xp.allclose(current_A_applied, self.current_A_applied):
# Update the link exponents only if the applied vector potential
# has actually changed.
assert A_applied is None
prev_A_applied = A_applied = current_A_applied
self.current_A_applied = current_A_applied
# Update the value of epsilon
if self.dynamic_epsilon:
self.epsilon = self.update_epsilon(time)
epsilon = self.epsilon
old_sq_psi = xp.absolute(psi) ** 2
screening_error = np.inf
A_induced_vals = [A_induced]
velocity = [0.0] # Velocity for Polyak's method
# This loop runs only once if options.include_screening is False
for screening_iteration in itertools.count():
if screening_error < options.screening_tolerance:
if screening_iteration > options.max_iterations_per_step:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Screening calculation failed to converge at step {step} after"
f" {options.max_iterations_per_step} iterations. Relative error in"
f" induced vector potential: {screening_error:.2e}"
f" (tolerance: {options.screening_tolerance:.2e})."
# Adjust the time step and calculate the new the order parameter
if screening_iteration == 0:
# Find a new time step only for the first screening iteration.
dt = self.tentative_dt
if options.include_screening:
# Update the link variables in the covariant Laplacian and gradient
# for psi based on the induced vector potential from the previous iteration.
operators.set_link_exponents(current_A_applied + A_induced)
# Update the order parameter using an adaptive time step
psi, abs_sq_psi, dt = self.adaptive_euler_step(
step, psi, old_sq_psi, mu, epsilon, dt
# Update the scalar potential, supercurrent density, and normal current density
mu, supercurrent, normal_current = self.solve_for_observables(psi, dA_dt)
if options.include_screening:
# Evaluate the induced vector potential
A_induced, screening_error = self.get_induced_vector_potential(
supercurrent + normal_current, A_induced_vals, velocity
running_state.append("dt", dt)
if self.probe_points is not None:
# Update the voltage and phase difference
running_state.append("mu", mu[self.probe_points])
running_state.append("theta", xp.angle(psi[self.probe_points]))
if options.include_screening:
running_state.append("screening_iterations", screening_iteration)
if options.adaptive:
# Compute the max abs change in |psi|^2, averaged over the adaptive window,
# and use it to select a new time step.
self.d_psi_sq_vals.append(float(xp.absolute(abs_sq_psi - old_sq_psi).max()))
window = options.adaptive_window
if step > window:
new_dt = options.dt_init / max(
1e-10, np.mean(self.d_psi_sq_vals[-window:])
self.tentative_dt = np.clip(0.5 * (new_dt + dt), 0, self.dt_max)
results = [dt, psi, mu, supercurrent, normal_current, A_induced]
if self.dynamic_vector_potential:
if self.dynamic_epsilon:
return SolverResult(*results)
[docs] def solve(self) -> Optional[Solution]:
"""Runs the solver.
A :class:`tdgl.Solution` instance. Returns ``None`` if the simulation was
cancelled during the thermalization stage.
start_time =
options = self.options
output_file = options.output_file
seed_solution = self.seed_solution
num_edges = self.num_edges
probe_points = self.probe_points
# Set the initial conditions.
if self.seed_solution is None:
parameters = {
"psi": self.psi_init,
"mu": self.mu_init,
"supercurrent": np.zeros(num_edges),
"normal_current": np.zeros(num_edges),
"induced_vector_potential": np.zeros((num_edges, 2)),
if self.seed_solution.device != self.device:
raise ValueError(
"The seed_solution.device must be equal to the device being simulated."
seed_data = seed_solution.tdgl_data
parameters = {
"psi": seed_data.psi,
"supercurrent": seed_data.supercurrent,
"normal_current": seed_data.normal_current,
"induced_vector_potential": seed_data.induced_vector_potential,
fixed_values = []
fixed_names = []
if self.dynamic_vector_potential:
parameters["applied_vector_potential"] = self.current_A_applied
if self.dynamic_epsilon:
parameters["epsilon"] = self.epsilon
if self.use_cupy:
# Move arrays to the GPU
for key, val in parameters.items():
parameters[key] = cupy.asarray(val)
fixed_values = tuple(cupy.asarray(val) for val in fixed_values)
running_names_and_sizes = {"dt": 1}
if probe_points is not None:
running_names_and_sizes["mu"] = len(probe_points)
running_names_and_sizes["theta"] = len(probe_points)
if options.include_screening:
running_names_and_sizes["screening_iterations"] = 1
with DataHandler(output_file=output_file, logger=logger) as data_handler:
if data_handler.tmp_file is not None:
f"Simulation started at {start_time}"
f" using sparse solver {options.sparse_solver.value!r}"
f" and backend {('CuPy' if self.use_cupy else 'NumPy')!r}."
runner = Runner(
data_was_generated =
end_time ="Simulation ended at {end_time}")"Simulation took {end_time - start_time}")
# Clear the Parameter caches
if isinstance(self.applied_vector_potential, Parameter):
if isinstance(self.disorder_epsilon, Parameter):
solution = None
if data_was_generated:
solution = Solution(
total_seconds=(end_time - start_time).total_seconds(),
return solution